Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2098: She is not willing (1)

He heard that Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him with a big wink.

Mu Zhengbai looked at her clear black eyes, which were filled with innocence and innocence.

This is his most precious thing so far.

From the moment she was born, he vowed to protect his baby and let her live a carefree life.

He sighed and said with a slight solemn voice, "You can't hide me, tell the truth."

Mu Xiaoxiao twisted it, and Bianbian said with a small mouth, "I ... I'm in the hospital and I locked Shen Chuchu in the morgue ..."

"Why do you do this?" Mu Zhengbai asked calmly, as if he just wanted to know why.

Mu Xiaoxiao was angry when she remembered, "She wanted to hurt me first. She bought a nurse and lied to me. She wanted me to be locked in. Fortunately, I was clever, and I found out her purpose long ago. it is me."

She was already afraid of ghosts, and if she was put in the morgue, she would be scared to death.

Think of it this way, there is still a bit of a snack.

Mu Zhengbai frowned, looking a little bit angry. "She was so vicious! Because you fixed her before, does she want to avenge you?"

"Also, I want to know this ..." Mu Xiao's novel was halfway, paused, and looked at his father in amazement. "Dad, you ... do you know that I put her together? How do you know ?!"

Did the driver tell Dad?

She had clearly instructed him and could not say.

Mu Zhengbai snorted, "Do you think I don't know anything? You left her to live, didn't you just want to rectify her? It's your little tricks, that's all."

He knew very well that his baby girl was kind and soft-hearted, and it was just a matter of playing tricks, so he left her alone, as long as she was happy.

Mu Xiaoxiao secretly spit out his tongue.

So Dad knows everything.

Mu Zhengbai held her back and said, "Do you know where you are wrong?"

Mu Xiaoxiao stumbled, "I was wrong? I ... where am I wrong?"

She was a little sad. Shouldn't dad scold her, shouldn't he bully Shen Chuchu?

That's not because Shen Chuchu wanted to harm her first.

Mu Zhengbai pointed to the tip of her little nose and said, "You, you ’re not smart enough. You should n’t close the door yourself. You should let others do it. Anyway, as long as you achieve your goal, nothing will happen. On yourself. "

Mu Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded, blinking his eyes.

So ... Is Dad teaching her how to do bad things perfectly?

Coughing, she touched her nose, "Oh, I know next time ..."

Mu Zhengbai returned to business, and that's where the business comes in. "The reason why I know this is because someone wants to sue you now."

"Sue me? Is it Shen Chuchu?" Mu Xiaoxiao reacted and said angrily, "She's the wicked first! He obviously wanted to harm me first, and I can fight her back, it can only be regarded as legitimate defense!"

Mu Zhengbai bowed his head, "This is the truth, but now there is no evidence that she wanted to harm you first."

Mu Xiaoxiao said, "I have evidence! The nurse bought by her, when I turned to buy that nurse, I recorded it."

She originally wanted to use this recording to sink Chu Chu's face.

I didn't expect it to come in handy here.

Mu Zhengbai shook his head, "Now there is no evidence for the recording. Besides, Shen Chuchu is not present, so the authenticity of the recording cannot be proven.

Mu Xiaoxiao was depressed.

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