Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2102: Just watch your acting quietly (1)

Mu Xiaoxiao went to the door of the ward where Shen Meiling lived and found that the door was hidden, so she reached out to push it.

A blackout cloth was drawn in the room, making the room very dark.

"Aunt Shen?" She called out, leaning on the faint light, and faintly saw a figure lying on the bed.

It should be Shen Meiling.

"Aunt Shen, do you feel better?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked again.

But Shen Meiling did not answer.

Mu Xiaoxiao felt weird, and she was worried that she would be seriously ill.

It would be too dazzling to turn on the light in the room, so she planned to go to the bedside table and turn on the bedside light.

The bedside lamp is adjustable in brightness.

Mu Xiaoxiao turned the switch and the light slowly turned on.

She glanced slightly at what she found.

The sheets and quilts in the room were obviously light-colored ...

Mu Xiao wasn't careful, he turned on the lights a lot, and he clearly saw that the blood was on the bed!

A lot of bloodstains!

Mu Xiaoxiao stepped back in panic.

As her eyes widened, Shen Meiling's **** face broke into her eyes.

"Shen, Aunt Shen ..."

Oh my god!

How is this going?

Before waiting for Mu Xiaoxiao to make the next response, the door suddenly slammed and was pushed open by people and hit the wall heavily.


It was Shen Chuchu's voice, shouting in panic.

"What are you doing Mu Xiaoxiao!"

Shen Chuchu looked at Mu Xiaoxiao in fear, as if she had done all this.

"What did you do to my aunt!" She questioned again.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, shaking his head and saying, "Not me ..."

Shen Chuchu stepped forward angrily, holding her collar vigorously, "I saw it with my own eyes, and dare to say it's not you! Why did you do this to my aunt! What on earth did you do?"

"I didn't, I didn't do anything! When I came in, she was like this ..." Mu Xiaoxiao tried to explain.

But Shen Chuchu didn't listen and took advantage of Mu Xiaoxiao's preparation to slap in the past.


Mu Xiaoxiao's face was crooked.

Her eyes narrowed narrowly, her head buzzing like a fly.

what happened……

Everything happened too bizarre and too unexpectedly.

After Shen Chuchu threw her a slap, she smiled smugly but quickly covered it up.

This slap is too cool.

She wants to throw it again.

Just raising her hand, Mu Xiaoxiao pushed her away.

Mu Xiaoxiao was awake from the confusion just now, and naturally it was impossible for her to suffer again.

"Why did you hit me!"

Shen Chuchu's acting was online, and she hysterically shouted at her, "What did you do to my aunt! Why can't I hit you? If my aunt has any shortcomings, I must kill you!"

Mu Xiaoxiao held back his breath. Although he had doubts in his heart, the most important thing now was the situation of Shen Meiling.

Will Shen Meiling already ...

Mu Xiaoxiao's heart became cold.

While praying, hoping that Shen Meiling would be fine, she walked to the bed and reached out to examine Shen Meiling's breath, and wanted to confirm whether she was still alive.

"What are you doing? Stay away from my aunt! You murderer!"

Shen Chuchu yelled and rushed over to isolate Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned and said to her, "I just want to see your aunt's situation."

"I will see for myself! Don't try to escape responsibility. If anything happens to my aunt, I won't let you go!" Shen Chuchu stared at Mu Xiao with vicious eyes, as if she had identified her as the murderer.

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