Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2106: You don't have to be okay (1)

Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao not talking, Shen Chuchu thought she was scared and tacitly regarded her as the murderer.

Great, she's done it!

Shen Chuchu was so proud of himself that his anger towards Mu Xiaoxiao was completely from his heart.

"Mu Xiaoxiao, you must be so dead-hearted!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Yin Shaojiu and Mu Zhengbai both frowned, and the expressions on their faces were extremely displeased.

"Enough! You TM shut up!"

Yin Shaoxu finally couldn't help but yelled in the direction of Shen Chuchu.

Mu Zhengbai calmed his face aside.

Shen Chuchu's throat trembled and said to Yin Shaoji, "You ... Do you still have to protect her from such a vicious woman? She doesn't deserve you!"

Yin Shaojie sneered, "She is vicious? Who is the really vicious person? You know that. Even your aunt is hurt, that person is really heartbroken."

Although the words behind him did not indicate who they were, everyone who was present knew that they were referring to Shen Chuchu.

Shen Chuchu's complexion changed, but she quickly covered it up.

"I know, you want to help Mu Xiao to elute, but it is useless, she is the murderer, this is the truth!"

She almost hypnotized herself, insisting that Mu Xiaoxiao was the murderer who hurt her aunt.

"Huh, the truth?"

Yin Shao hummed.

He was lucky that he couldn't see his eyes, so he didn't need to see Shen Chuchu's disgusting face at the moment.

Shen Chuchu pretended to say, "You are so small and admiring, no matter what she does wrong, you help her block it. You are harming her like this! She doesn't know how to repent, she will only continue to harm others!"

She said angrily while pointing at Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao really annoyed her righteousness.

This play is so horrifying to look at.

If it wasn't for Shen Meiling's situation, Mu Xiaoxiao would not want to stay in the same room with Shen Chuchu.

Now that Shen Meiling is okay, she is also relieved, and now she wants to stay away from the essence of the show.

"Well, let's go, don't argue with her."

Mu Xiaoxiao held Yin Shaojiao's hand forward and wanted to pull him away.

I don't want to see this lunatic biting people.

Anyway, with dad, dad will deal with it.

"Not allowed to go! You murderer, not allowed!" Shen Chuchu felt that he had the advantage and was even more arrogant. He rushed forward and dragged Mu Xiao.

"You let go!"

Mu Xiaoxiao just shouted, and saw Yin Shaojiu next to her clasping Shen Chuchu's hand, kicking her long leg to her knee.

Shen Chuchu's face turned black, and he knelt down on the ground in pain.

Yin Shaojie said with a cold face, "Don't touch my little one, you are dirty."

He never hit a woman, but this one wasn't a woman, he was a neurosis.

Shen Chuchu did not expect that he would take such a heavy shot that he was lying on his stomach and could not stand up for a while.


She gasped, and was interrupted as soon as she said a word.

"The patient has a condition!" Is a doctor who is loyal to his side and hasn't even seen the drama.

On the hospital bed, Shen Meiling, who had stopped the blood, did not know why she suddenly twitched, her facial features were distorted, her body shook, and looked horrifying.

Mu Zhengbai frowned and asked, "What happened to her? How could this be?"

The doctor's face was not very good. "Not very clear. Check it first."

Just watching her twitch like this, no matter what the reason, is not optimistic.

Shen Chuchu was also scared. He hurried over to the bed and asked the doctor anxiously, "What's wrong with my aunt? Is she all right?"

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