Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2108: You don't need to be ill (3)

Without waiting for her to speak, Mu Zhengbai seemed to know what she was thinking, and put a big hand on her head.

"Anyway, she was in our house, and Dad will do her best to help her."

It is also a life.

Moreover, although Mu Zhengbai had no love with Shen Meiling for men and women, he was still a friend, and he would not sit idly by.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought so too, and nodded, "Well, I believe Aunt Shen will be fine."

Want to come, Aunt Shen is also frustrated.

The rented house was struck by a neighbor and burned away most of the property. I haven't slowed down yet and encountered such a thing again.

Auntie Shen is nice and has a good personality. She lived in Mu's house for just two days and got on well with her servants.

How can such a good person encounter these things?

Mu Xiaoxiao was very distressed by Shen Meiling, so she was extremely sick of Shen Chuchu.

Mu Zhengbai rubbed her head and said, "Well, you can take Shao'er back to the room to rest, right, Shao'er's medicine has been drunk? You can't delay him from taking the medicine."

Mu Xiaoxiao remembered, "Yeah, the medicine is all fried. I was going to get cold for him."

She came out of the room just to give Yin Shaoyu medicine.

Who knows what happened is forgotten.

Mu Zhengbai said, "Now the medicine is cold, and the effect is not very useful. Fry it again."

"Um." Mu Xiao nodded.

Mu Zhengbai also looked a little tired, and squeezed his eyebrows and said, "I'm still a little busy. I'm in the study. If you have any questions, please come to the study.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at his frowning brows and said distressed, "Daddy, don't be busy, just go back to the room and rest."

She looked distressed.

Mu Zhengbai shook his head. "Shen Meiling still doesn't know what to do about it. I'll finish my work first, so that when she has something, she can have time to pass by."

Although they have not been together for a long time, the Mu family is very affectionate. As long as they are friends, they will try their best to help.

Seeing Mu Zhengbai still went to the study.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a while, beckoning to call the housekeeper.

"Let the kitchen cook some soup that relieves fatigue, and some light snacks, and send them to the study for Dad."

The steward nodded respectfully, "I understand."

Mu Xiaoxiao held Yin Shaojiao's hand and pressed his face to his arm.

She sighed heavily.

Yin Shaojie reached out and touched her cheek, soothing with a magnetic voice, "It's okay."

"Um." Mu Xiao nodded.

The two returned to her bedroom.

At this time, we don't care about who's room.

Wait for a while before the medicine is cooked.

After seeing Yin Shaojiu drinking the medicine, Mu Xiaopui told him to go to bed and rest for a while.

Yin Shaojie didn't sleep, she lay on the bed, holding her little hand in her big hand.

He said, "Come up and sleep with me."

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head. "I don't want to sleep ... Now when I close my eyes, Aunt Shen's face is bloody, I'm still a little scared."

Yin Shaojie stretched her long arm and took down her little head.

The noses of the two touched.

The breath almost lingered together.

"You look at me." He whispered, a low magnetic tone hitting her ear.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him obediently.

Yin Shaojie opened her eyes, and her black eyes were opposite her.

Although he couldn't see her, his deep eyes looked a little dull, not as energetic as before, as if filled with stars.

The stars in his eyes did not know where they were hiding.

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