Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2115: His eyes are okay (2)

Yin Shaoji said, "Okay, I go to bed, and you go back to bed."

Mu Xiaoxiao pulled him to the bed, and then climbed to his bed.

"I said, to sleep with you, I want to protect you."

She positioned the pillow, patted him, and motioned for him to lie down.

Yin Shaojie seemed to be in trouble, looked at her for a while, and sighed.

He murmured, "Your girl is torture me ..."

"What did you say?" Mu Xiaoxiao didn't hear clearly, staring at him with blinking black eyes, the expression on his face was so pure and cute.

Yin Shaoyi looked at her beautiful water eyes, and the emotions inside him made his heart move slightly.

It feels so good to see it.

He could see clearly what she was worried about and any emotions she showed to him.

Instead of judging by feeling and by her voice, as she was blind.

The feeling of blindness was so bad that he didn't want to experience it in the future.

"I said, you have to stay in my room and accompany me to sleep, do you want to sneak in on me?" Yin Shaojiu stretched out her other hand, pinched her cheek with both hands, and twisted her cute little face Look like.

It's so cute.

Yin Shaojiu liked it more and more, and turned her into various faces.

Is it really the lover's eyes?

Regardless of her grimace, he felt so cute, so cute he wanted to give her his life.

that's nice.

Such a cute little girl belongs to him.

Yin Shaojie thought about this, and was very satisfied.

After holding her pink face for a while, he let go.

Mu Xiaoxiao murmured, "Who wants to attack you! Don't attack me. It's almost the same."

She just had to lie here.

So he pulled the quilt over his shoulder.

"Okay, it's time to sleep, you lie down quickly, close your eyes and sleep!"

Yin Shaojie had no choice but to turn off the light and had to lie down.

"How do you sleep ..."

In his tone, there was a lot of helplessness.

Around her is her body temperature, and her young girl, Xinxiang, is holding him like nothing.

Yin Shaoyi was emotionally excited.

He wanted to do something but couldn't do it.

There was laughter in Mu Xiaoxiao's voice, hee hee hee, turned around and lay face to face with him, those bright eyes looked at him, there is no trace of sleepiness inside.

She didn't want to sleep, she just wanted to look at him like that.

Yin Shaojie didn't close her eyes and looked at her like this.

Passion, lingering in the air, stir.

Mu Xiaoxiao moved, leaned forward, and the distance between the two was closer.

Yin Shaojie almost thought she was going to kiss herself.

Unfortunately, she did not do so.

A few centimeters from his handsome face, her small face stopped.

"Well, your eyes look so good." Mu Xiao's little hand touched his handsome face and said softly, as if it were a secret.

Yin Shaojii listened to her soft waxy voice, but felt that her heart was melting.

He didn't speak, just holding her other hand.

Mu Xiaoxiao pursed his lips, thinking about something, and said to him, "Well, will you always look at me? Always look at it."

Always look at me, always love me.

It's like father to mother.

Of course, what she hopes most is that she and Yin Shaoxing can live for a long time, so they can look at each other all the time.

Yin Shaojii nodded, "Yes, of course I will."

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed happily and put his forehead against his forehead.

Their breath was entangled.

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