Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2117: His eyes are fine (4)

"I ask you, will your eyes be okay in the future? Will not you suddenly lose sight again?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked him what he was worried about.

The noise on the mobile phone has been alleviated, it should be Mu Fei holding the mobile phone and walking to a quiet place.

"I can't guarantee this," he said.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned. "You are so good, there must be a way to make him fully recover?"

She didn't want Yin Shaojie to be blind again.

In just a few days, she feels like she is living a good life.

Mu Fei's mouth was vague, as if drinking, and said with a smile, "Now you know how to brag about me? A little late."

When Mu Xiaoxiao knew he was joking, he coaxed him and said, "Okay, you can have dinner, right? You can eat anything you want, as many times as you like."

"Well, so well? Then I have to think about it ..."

Yin Shaojiu stood beside Mu Xiaoxiao.

It seems that the two had a good chat.

Without knowing why, he felt a touch of jealousy.

This Mu Fei is weird and has a weird character that makes people unpredictable.

But one thing, Yin Shaojie is very clear, Mu Fei is very concerned about small.

It's midnight, and I called Xiaoxiao, what do you mean?

Yin Shaojiu became more jealous the more he thought about it, he froze and held Mu Xiaoxiao.

As soon as Mu Xiaoxiao agreed to ask for dinner, Mu Fei was rude. He listed a lot of restaurants, all of which are famous for their expensive, and there are several Samsung Michelin restaurants.

"By the way, I just like a Michelin restaurant in Paris. If you want to try their new dishes, please invite me to eat this." Mu Fei said with a smile.

Mu Xiaoxiao paused and thought he heard it wrong.

"Paris? Do you mean Paris Street, or ... Paris in France?"

This Mu Fei really is, give him a little sunshine, he will be brilliant.

Mu Fe said, "Of course, it's Paris, France. Otherwise, the Michelin restaurant in Milan, Italy. I have eaten a few times and it tastes good, and I'm a friend of the chef. He keeps inviting me there, and I refuse to. "

Mu Xiaoxiao twitched, "Can you come nearby?"

He embarrassed to run so far for a meal.

Mu Fei said with a smile, "No, because I won't do it."

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Mu Fei also said, "It seems that you are not very sincere to treat guests, then forget it, anyway, your men's eyes are fine, if something goes wrong, let's talk about it later."

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't feel good when he heard his tone.

Does Yin Shao's eyes really still ...

"Can't it be in a Michelin restaurant in the United States? I'll ask you to eat it in turns. Okay?"

Mu Fei said seriously, "All said, I won't do it."

Mu Xiaoxiao was depressed by him.

Just when she had a headache, who knew that Mu Fei laughed from her phone.

"Hahaha, joking with you, you won't really hesitate, would you really invite me to Paris for a meal?"

Mu Xiaoxiao's face rose, "I will believe you next time, I'm a pig!"

Mu Fe said, "Well, piglet, it's late, go to sleep."

"Goodbye!" Mu Xiao was so angry that he had to hang up with him.

But at the last second she was about to cut off the call, she heard some messy noises.

"Hello? What's wrong with you?"

The answer to her was like the sound of a mobile phone falling to the ground.

"Hey? Hey? Mu Fei?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked repeatedly, but there was no response from the other end of the phone.

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