Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2122: If you want me to save, I will save (1)

Bai Meijiao knows how hard it is to be provoked. How dare she accept Shen Chuchu.

She was deeply afraid of the calamity, thinking how she could drive Shen Chuchu away.

Shen Chuchu was not stupid, and she could see at a glance what she was worried about.

But she has nowhere to go right now. It is impossible to find her ex-boyfriend, so the only person she can find is Bai Meijiao.

So no matter what, she won't go.

"Rest assured, I am very familiar with you. If your man comes, I will hide immediately and never disturb you. Besides, it's still early. Your man should still be at work, right? I'll stay for a while, a while Just go. "Shen Chuchu twisted Bai Meijiao's hand away, went to the living room by himself, and sat down on the sofa.

"You really can't stay here ..." Bai Meijiao hesitated to tear her face with her. After all, Shen Chuchu knew many people at school. If Shen Chuchu pushed her out of school, she would have a hard time living in school.

Shen Chuchu turned his head to look at her, and said deliberately, "Do you think I've got Yin Shaoyu, and I'm afraid it'll hurt you?"

Bai Meijiao froze.

Shen Chuchu chuckled, pretending to say easily, "Relax, I'm not so stupid, that Mu Xiaoxiao and Yin Shaojie really don't mess with me, I won't mess with them, I just feel bad, and I have nowhere to go To stay with you. "

Bai Meijiao was dubious.

But I have to say that she was slightly relieved to hear Shen Chuchu say so.

If it wasn't for the uncle Shao, if she came to take refuge here, she could take Shen Chuchu for a while.

Anyway, her gold master has been busy coaxing his wife recently, so she hasn't been to her these days.

Bai Meijiao asked wryly, "How long will you stay with me?"

When Shen Chu first saw her believed in herself, she smiled and said, "I don't want to stay long, I just want to talk to someone. I just thought of you. Speaking of which, I have so many friends, but when I want to find someone to chat with, I don't know who to look for. "

She deliberately sold miserable cards.

Sure enough, Bai Meijiao suffered.

After Bai Meijiao came to the United States, she encountered few Chinese people, and she didn't want others to know about her being fostered. Therefore, she rarely contacted foreign students at school, and sometimes felt deeply lonely.

When she first met Shen Chuchu, she envied Shen Chuchu's glory and wanted to make friends with Shen Chuchu.

It's just that Shen Chuchu has too many friends, and most of them are American.

Even if Bai Meijiao knew her later, Shen Chuchu was not enthusiastic about her attitude.

Now that she is looking for her to talk about her mood, Bai Meijiao is very touched, and naturally she will not drive her.

Bai Meijiao said, "Actually ... my man may not come here, just stay for a while."

Shen Chuchu knew that she had succeeded in persuasion, and was secretly proud.

She thought that she was hiding in Bai Meijiao, and it should be impossible for Mu Xiaoxiao and Yin Shaoji to find her.

My heart relaxed, and Shen Chuchu felt hungry.

She looked up and asked Bai Meijiao, "Are you eating anything here? I haven't had breakfast yet, so hungry."

"There should be some fruit in the refrigerator, and the others are gone. If you want, just take it out." Bai Meijiao usually also takes out food. She doesn't cook and doesn't bother to learn.

Shen Chuchu went to the refrigerator, and it turned out that there was only fruit.

This made her frown disgustingly.

Who eats fruits early in the morning, how can this fill the stomach.

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