Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2128: Coming to hurt you immediately (3)

Mu Fei ticked, "Yeah, hit you."

After that, he raised his hand and slapped him.

"Just hit you, how about it?" The attitude was a bit arrogant.

The man was crooked, and for two seconds, he burst out in anger, and was about to explode.

"Cao your mother ..."

Scolded a bunch of swear words.

Mu Fei had an elegant smile on his mouth, like a gentleman, but he silently touched the man's wound, and suddenly choked.

"Ah!" The man screamed like a pig.

Mu Fei wiped the blood off his fingers with a scarf, glanced at him and said, "It hurts just fine. Pain means you are still alive, pay attention to driving next time."

The man yelled at him with a sullen expression on his face, "I will **** you and kill you next time I drive!"

Mu Fei's eyes narrowed, he stood up and looked at him condescendingly, sighing coldly.

"You should be fortunate that your drunk drive did not hurt anyone this time."

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't expect that the wounded was so bad, he didn't look good at first sight.

She a little regretted why she asked Mu Fei to save such a person.

As Mu Fei just said, this kind of person keeps him alive, and next time will kill other people.

The man was still cursing at Mu Fei, and he could tell all the nasty swear words.

The onlookers did not expect this situation, and they all stepped back.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned and murmured, "Noisy!"

Better not wake him up.

Mu Fei apparently heard what she said, bowed his head to the man, and murmured secretly.

He threw the scarf over the wound and stepped on it.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh"-the man screamed like a pig again.

Mu Fei said, "Shut up."

The man was just screaming, and he had no strength to scold anyone.

The blood that had originally stopped flowing out again.

The man was pale and shivered with trembling.

Mu Fei didn't look at him for a second, removed his feet, and told Mu Xiao novel, "Let's go, the ambulance is almost coming, he can't die."

Sure enough, I heard the sound of an ambulance coming from afar.

Mu Xiaoxiao showed no sympathy for the wounded, and pulled Yin Shaoyu away.

The three walked towards the silver Bentley.

Mu Fei naturally opened the door of the co-pilot and bent down to sit in.

Yin Shaoxing looked at his movements and raised an eyebrow and asked, "What are you doing on the bus?"

Who made him get in the car?

Is this person too cheeky?

"I didn't drive and showed me a ride," Mu Fe said.

Mu Xiao's novel, "Just send him."

She motioned to Yin Shaojiu to get in the car quickly.

The newly blocked street has been cleared by the police.

When the two got in the car, the driver drove.

Yin Shao mumu novel, "Did you forget, where are we going?"

It means that it is inconvenient to take Mu Fei.

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly remembered, "Yeah ..."

Because of the recent events, they have forgotten the purpose of their coming out this time.

However, Mu Fei has already got on the bus. Can't we just let people get off at this time?

Mu Xiaoxiao's face was distressed.

Mu Fei leaned her head sideways, saw her expression, her legs crossed, and asked easily, "Where are you going? It doesn't matter, I'm idle anyway, to accompany you."

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Am I trying to get you off?

Yin Shaojie is not as polite as she, and she said to Mu Fei straightforwardly, "I'm sorry, we are not convenient to take you. When you come down and stop for you, you can go back by car."

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