Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2134: Bet on Love (1)

She asked, "when did dad go to the hospital?"

The servant said, "Half an hour ago."

Mu Xiaoxiao groaned and didn't ask any more.

It's quite early now. She thought her father would be in the study, and he was surprised to see Shen Meiling at the hospital so early.

Is this representative? Dad cares about Shen Meiling?

Mu Xiaosha shook his head, not letting himself think too much.

What happened between Dad and Shen Meiling, let them let it be.

This is not something she can interfere with.

She didn't want to interfere anymore.

Mu Xiaoxiao asked the maid to tell the kitchen to prepare meals.

She was polite and asked Mu Fei's preferences.

Speaking of which, Mu Fei hasn't eaten much in her house.

Although Mu Fei is a Chinese doctor, I heard that he grew up in the United States. Maybe his diet is partial to the United States?

Mu Fe thought about it, but asked her in turn, "What do you like to eat?"

Mu Xiaoxiao did not expect that he would ask himself.

"I ... I eat everything."

In fact, she was too lazy to name each dish.

Mu Fei held her back and said, "Even if you like to eat anything, there are one or two that you particularly like? Do you like more meat or more dishes?"

"This ..." Mu Xiaoxiao thought about how to answer.

Yin Shaojie was sitting on the couch, with his long arms draped over the back of Mu Xiaoxiao's back and poking at Mu Fei.

"Well, let the guest do whatever he wants." Mu Fei actually agreed with him.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the two of them, "Then ... I'll be the master?"

Mu Fei nodded. "Well."

Mu Xiaoxiao left the living room temporarily.

Yin Shaojie and Mu Fei face each other.

Mu Fei teased, "You keep staring at me like this, I will doubt you are interesting to me."

Yin Shaojie opened the door and asked him, "I ask you, are you interesting to Xiaoxiao?"

Mu Fei laughed when he heard this, and said deliberately, "You guess?"

When Yin Shaoxing was thinking about whether to hit him, his cell phone rang.

This special ringtone is not the same as a normal incoming call.

There is a ringtone only when he is contacted in a special way.

Yin Shaojiu quickly took out her phone as soon as she heard the ringtone.

At first glance, it was Caroline.

He held his cell phone, stood up, and walked to the corridor on the other side.

Mu Fei narrowed his eyes when he heard the bell.

Yin Shaojie picked up the phone and looked at the screen of the phone, he also glanced at it.

This ringtone ...

This way of calling ...

Mu Fei's eyes shone with deep light.

Yin Shaoji went to the side to answer the phone.

"Is there a problem?"

Caroline rarely calls him unless there is something important.

The phone was silent for a few seconds before Caroline's voice came. "He ... proposed to me."

Yin Shaojiao said for a moment, "Yuan Yelin?"

"Well." Caroline's voice was not audible.

Yin Shaoji said calmly, "You think about it yourself, are you and him really suitable?"

Caroline smiled bitterly, "I know ... hey, I really didn't expect that I would also commit the common problem of women and be blinded by love, but you know what? He helped me stop the bullet that day, I really I was scared that he would die. At that moment, I was thinking about it. If he didn't die, I could promise him everything. "

Even if the distance between her cell phone is empty, Yin Shaojie can feel her contradiction and irritability at the moment.

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