Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2139: One kiss is not enough then two (4)

She looked around, and there was really no one else, just the two of them.

Yuan Yelin emptied her waist and took her to the bar.

Caroline looked at him, clearly understood, "Have you booked?"

Yuan Yelin nodded and admitted, "I know you like quietness, but don't like crowds."

Moreover, he had other intentions.

Caroline rolled his eyes. "I know you have a lot of money, but don't you spend it that way?"

In order to find her, I bought Toms, and I don't know how much it cost.

Here comes again.

He thinks he has too much money, can't he spend it?

Yuan Yelin smiled, and said indifferently, "Make money is for the sake of spending, it is worthwhile to spend happily."

He thought it was worth it anyway.

Caroline was speechless and didn't want to argue with him.

When the two sat down, a waiter came up and asked what they wanted to eat and drink.

"Drink a sake bar? This sake is a signature, I heard it is very good." Yuan Yelin suggested, looking a little bit bad.

Caroline said, "Don't drink, you haven't completely recovered the wound, you can't drink."

She also didn't want to drink.

"Just think about it, a small cup, it doesn't matter, the sake of country R will not be intoxicating." Yuan Yelin, regardless of her objection, insisted that the waiter take the wine.

Caroline wrapped her arms around her chest and held him. "Do you really want to drink?"

Yuan Yelin made a gesture of surrender. "I don't drink, but ... can I smell it? I smell it, OK?"

Caroline said unbelief, pointing at him and saying, "Then you are not allowed to drink, you can only smell."

"Okay, I promise." Yuan Yelin looked sincere.

When he ordered, he ordered two eel rice.

Caroline looked at him puzzledly. "Just order these?"

So few points, unlike his style.

"Eat some food first, and others, don't worry, you'll know after a while." Yuan Yelin pretended to be mysterious, her eyes fixed, and what secrets were hidden.

Appetite is useless to Caroline, she has never been so curious.

Ignoring his mystery, she picked up the water glass she had brought in and was ready to drink.

"Wait." Yuan Yelin stopped her, holding the glass in his hand.

He explored the temperature and said, "The water is cold, don't drink this, I'll let them pour you a hot cup."

"What does cold water matter?" Caroline put aside his hand.

"Drinking cold water is not good for girls, you still drink hot." Yuan Yelin was going to grab a cup again.

Caroline raised her eyebrows and dodged his hands.

Yuan Yelin held her, and shot very quickly the next second.

The two of you come and go, it seems that you are grabbing a cup, it is actually a discussion.

What emotions fluctuated between the two.

Such a scene, they often staged in the R country before.

Obviously she didn't return to the United States from R for a long time, but she had the illusion that ... after several years.

I don't know what Caroline thought about, but she lost her consciousness and the cup was taken away by Yuan Yelin.

Yuan Yelin raised his hand and motioned for the waiter to come over.

"Pour a cup of hot water."

The waiter stooped and nodded, and went away holding the cup.

After a while, he came over with a glass of hot water.

"You can drink this one." Yuan Yelin put the cup in her hand and touched a small hand by the way.

Caroline took a sip, but frowned slightly. "Not water."

Yuan Yelin stepped closer and smelled, "It's ... youmai tea."

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