Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2144: One kiss is not enough then two (9)

"Yin Shaoxing, and those who rescued you in Country R ... A counselor beside me told me that you might be people from the 'that' organization. I admit that this evoked my curiosity, but ... ... I didn't come to the United States for this. "

"Then ... for what?" Caroline asked vaguely, drunker than it was just now.

Yuan Yelin provoked her chin and bullied herself.

The lips of the two were only a few centimeters apart.

"For you," he said, his voice soft and tender.

Caroline's heart jumped suddenly, her eyes staring at him with water.

Yuan Yelin pinched her chin and lowered her head to kiss her mouth.

But he just kissed and moved away.

Caroline instinctively licked her lower lips as if to taste him.

Yuan Yelin watched a touch of pink pass by her lips, and with just one glance, it elicited a reaction from his body.

Hot, burning in the body.

He had a deep look and said dumbly, "Oh yes, I haven't answered your question just now."

Caroline looked into his eyes.

He said word by word, "I like you, sincerely, I have never liked someone like this, you are the first and only one."

With such a confession, he did not know if he could still speak out in the future.

But at least, at the moment, he wanted her to know.


The door of the box was opened ‘唰’, and then closed firmly.

Yuan Yelin held Caroline horizontally and pressed it directly on the tatami.

Caroline hooked his neck, bearing his too intense kiss.

The fiery kisses were like imprints, one by one on her delicate collarbone, stamped with his mark.

Slowly move down with the hot lip.

The clothes were ripped open, revealing the delicate body underneath.

Caroline's head was a little stunned by the high temperature emotion, and the alcohol seemed to be more chaotic, rushing around her.

"Um ... uncomfortable ..." she frowned.

Yuan Yelin stopped and looked up at her, holding her face in his big hand.

"Where is it?" He asked, full of worry in his words.

Suddenly, Caroline gripped him skillfully and quickly turned over.

In just one second, their posture changed.

Become her up and down.

Caroline laughed so badly that she pressed him on top of her, resting her hands on his chest and looking up at him.

"I think ... this is more comfortable."

Yuan Yelin had a heavy breath, and her big hand clasped her waist to stop her unsteady posture.

Caroline quickly realized that something was coming against her.

This is no longer a young girl who has just started to love. The two have had many relationships, so she certainly knows what this means.

She chuckled her lips and laughed, the devil smiled.

She deliberately moved her waist, rubbing her hips where he reacted.

Yuan Yelin frowned heavily, staring at her face.

This woman is almost tortured to death.

Her charming and seductive gesture made his breathing worse, and a hotness burned in the lower abdomen.

"Come, kiss me." He coaxed softly.

Caroline lowered her head and faced his eyes with a smile of joy.

Compared with his eagerness, she was much more relaxed.

Even if she was drunk, she knew very well that he now wanted to throw her down and swallow her.

Drunk was still awake at three, so she knew what she was doing.

Caroline didn't move, just looked at him.

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