Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2160: Then you say you love me (5)

Mu Xiaoxiao urged, "Hurry up, check the nearby countries, which city still has a flight to Sydney, and book the ticket immediately."

The two started looking for flights again.

Looking around, Mu Xiaoxiao screamed, his eyes dull.

"I forgot……"

Yin Shaoji asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

Mu Xiaoxiao cried, "William has a good drink, can we get drunk with him?"

"... I try." He also had a good drink.

Mu Xiaoxiao patted his shoulder and encouraged, "It's up to you."

She got up and beckoned to call the housekeeper.

"Qibo, look at the wine in your house that is most susceptible to being drunk. Wait a minute, I have a friend over to eat."

The housekeeper asked a question mark, "Easily drunk?"

Does this mean drunk friends?

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, "Yes, it is better to let those who are not drunk with a thousand cups get drunk."

The housekeeper touched his chin and thought, "It seems ... there is such a wine."

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes widened in disbelief and grabbed the housekeeper's clothes.

"Zibo, are you serious? Really have that kind of wine? Didn't you lie to me?"

"I'm impressed, miss, wait, I'll go down to the wine cellar," said the steward, nodding.

Mu Xiaoxiao loosened his clothes and urged, "Then you go quickly."

She folded her hands and prayed for such a miracle.

Yin Shaojie laughed, "If William knew you counted him like this, what do you think he thought?"

Mo Xiaomeng is her good girlfriend, but William is also her good friend.

Mu Xiaoxiao waved his hand and said, "Nothing will happen, William is not like you a stingy ghost, he has never been angry with me."

Yin Shaojiu smiled at her with a smile on his skin, "You said I was a stingy ghost."

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed like Xia Hua, pointed to his nose and said, "Yes, you are not only a stingy ghost, but also a big vinegar!"

"Is it rebellious?" Yin Shaoxu deliberately put on a terrible look.

Mu Xiaoxiao smelled a dangerous breath, and quickly ran away, crossing her hands.

"What do you want? Demons, don't want to mess around!"

"Hey, hey ..." Yin Shaoxu looked awkwardly, leaning towards her step by step.

"Help!" Mu Xiaoxiao shouted.

"Your throat is broken and no one cares about you!" Yin Shaoyan pounced.

The two actors are having a great time.

The waiting maid looked at the scene and smiled sideways.

After a while, the housekeeper returned.

Mu Xiaoxiao quickly pushed away Yin Shaojie and sat upright, like a lady, but she sold her with some messy clothes on her body.

The steward smiled, "Miss, there is indeed this bottle of wine, which was photographed by the master a long time ago at the auction. There are only five bottles in the world, and it is said that this wine is easily drunk.

"There are only five bottles in the world?" Mu Xiaoxiao took the wine and suddenly felt very heavy.

Would such a precious wine be used to calculate people, wouldn't it be too wasteful?

Mu Xiaoxiao was a bit reluctant.

She hesitated, looked at the wine bottle, and then looked at Yin Shaoji.

By contrast, she is even more reluctant to see Yin Shaoxing accompany William to drink a lot of alcohol.

Drunk and hurt.

Moreover, I don't know if it will affect Yin Shao's eyes.

Mu Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth, "Just it!"

As long as it can achieve its purpose, its sacrifice is also worth it!

She coughed and said, "Qibo, then pour a small glass, and then find other wine, the same color, and then pour it to us."

"OK." The housekeeper nodded respectfully.

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