Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2171: Fake brother (6)

Han Qiqing stared at him inconceivably.

"Song Shijun, are you secretly in love with me? Call me and record."

Of course Song Shijun lied to her, how could she really record it.

He made an expression that was disgusting to her.

"Okay, I lost."

On shamelessness, you win.

Yin Shaojie and Ye Sijue smiled side by side, very cleverly not to interrupt the topic of girls.

Han Qiqing coughed, conscience found and said, "Actually ... my brother is still a good brother. Although he has a little iceberg, he really cares about me ..."

"Such as forcing you to tutor?" Mu Xiaoxiao stabbed her with an arrow.

Han Qiqing, "..."

"For example, staring at your attendance at class, so you can't skip class again?" Song Shijun added a knife.

Han Qiqing lay on the sofa and made a gesture of vomiting blood.

Mo Xiaomen covered his mouth and laughed.

No wonder Qiqing and Shijun are two living treasures.

It's really fun and joyful for these two people to be together.

Han Qiqing quickly shifted the topic, "when are we going?"

Mu Xiao's novel, "Eat first, go to the airport after eating, and the time is almost up."

Although Han Qiqing had just taken the plane for more than ten hours, she was not exhausted and sleepy at all, and she was particularly energetic.

She was excited when she saw all six people present.

People are here again!

so happy!

Han Qiqing particularly likes the feeling of a group of good friends going out to play, especially when their group is so in line, there is no contradiction at all, and I feel that every meeting is a happy memory.

She can't wait to go to Sydney now.

"Shijun, hurry up. Let's go to the airport earlier and fly to Sydney earlier!"

Song Shijun glanced at her and said, "You're stupid, you said to fly earlier and fly earlier? The routes are applied in advance, not when you want to change."

"Is that so?" Han Qiqing was a little disappointed.

But it didn't take long before a group of people finished their meal.

Packed up my luggage, went down to the hotel lobby.

Ye Sijue and Mo Xiaomeng were in charge of checking out, while Mu Xiaoxiao was sitting on the sofa in the lobby, chatting and playing with mobile phones or something.

A beautiful woman sitting by the glass window outside was talking on the phone, speaking Chinese, and suddenly attracted Han Qiqing's idea of ​​gossip.

With her ears raised, she overhears ... oh no, listen to the other person's speech brightly.

"You've arrived in Sydney? Well, I'll wait another hour to get to the airport ..."

It turned out that this beauty also went to Sydney.

Han Qiqing looked around and wanted to find this beautiful male companion.

Such a beautiful woman, her boyfriend should be very handsome.

At this moment, the beauty's face was slightly sideways to her, Han Qiqing looked down and felt that the beauty was a little familiar.

Alas, the more you look the more familiar!

Han Qiqing reached out and poked at the small waist.

"Little, you see, she doesn't look as old as a beauty ..."

The boss's word has not been spoken yet. The beauty seemed to hear the voice and turned to look at them.

Han Qiqing and Mu Xiaoxiao froze at the same time, stunned, almost exclaimed.

It ’s really the lady boss who ‘I did n’t expect you to be like this shop’!

Both Mu Xiaoxiao and Han Qiqing thought that the beauty boss recognized her and was a little flustered. After all, they bought the kind of clothes ...

Who would have thought that the sight of the beautiful lady boss fell on Yin Shaojiu.

Mysterious smile was raised in the corner of the lady's mouth.

Mu Xiaoxiao felt something wrong.

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