Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2182: Don't do Liu Xiahui (3)

She said mysteriously, taking him to a place.

Ye Sijue never expected that she would take him to the hotel, and said with a red face and a shame, she would not go home tonight to sleep.

She said so, how could he not understand the meaning.

At that time, Sir Siye had a moment's sleep, and for the first time did the foolish thing of doubting whether he was dreaming.

How could she suddenly ...

When Mo Xiaomeng saw him hesitant, thinking he was unwilling, he was anxious.

Why didn't he want her?

Is it because he finds that he doesn't like her so much?

People in love are always prone to failure.

Especially Mo Xiaomeng was in love for the first time, she was always afraid that she did not do well enough, and whether his love for her would diminish.

Although she is distinguished, Mo Xiaomeng is never proud of herself. She even feels that she is not as flattering as Xiao, why would Ye Sijue like her?

Therefore, Mo Xiaomeng was panicked at that moment, and rushed directly to hug him.

She raised her head, grabbed his neck with both hands, pulled his head down, and kissed him actively.

"Sir ... would you hug me?" She whispered.

Ye Sijue heard her tone strange.

Although craving for her sweetness, he hugged her shoulders and pulled her away a little.

"What the **** is wrong with you?"

Mo Xiaomen confessed to him stupidly, "I like you, I really like you, don't leave me."

Ye Sijue laughed, holding her face in his big hand, "When did I say I was leaving you? What the **** are you thinking about?"

"Aren't you, you want to go back to China? And my aunt, they bothered you, I know ... you're angry, right? They don't hate you, they just ..."

Looking at her little face explaining in a panic, Ye Sijue pressed her finger to her lips.

"Looks like we had a little misunderstanding before."

He suddenly stopped her and hugged her.

Mo Xiaomeng was scared to tighten his neck.

Ye Sijue took her to the sofa and let her sit down before he crouched in front of her, holding her hand and asking, "Okay, now we can begin to clear up the misunderstandings. What else have you misunderstood except those just now? They all told me in 1510, no concealment is allowed, did you hear it? "

He persecuted her forcefully, and his fingers were still scraped from the tip of her nose.

Mo Xiaomeng shook his head, "Nothing ... are you really angry with my aunts? Are you going back to China?"

Ye Sijue pinched her hand and left Meifeng and said, "Okay, let's solve them one by one. Why do you think I want to go back to China? When did I tell you that I would go back to China? Anymore? "

"I overheard ... you talk to someone on the phone." Mo Xiaomeng lowered his eyes.

Ye Sijue explained carefully, "Just yesterday? The phone content did mention my return to China, but I didn't say that I would return immediately."

Of course he can't stay in the United States all the time and always has to go back.

Mo Xiaomen blinked his eyes and probably realized that he seemed to have made an oolong.

"Then ... my aunts are embarrassing you and you are not angry?"

Ye Sijue laughed, "This is also difficult? Do you look down on me too much?"

Mo Xiaomeng looked at him with guilt, "So, I misunderstood you? Are you really not angry, don't you want to return to China? Don't lie to me ..."

"When did I lie to you?" He asked her back.

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