Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2188: Otherwise I'll touch you (1)

"Ah? Wine, hotel ... right here ... I also forgot which hotel. The hotel was booked by Yin Shaoyu. We are outside now, just after dinner, and we are going back to the hotel.

Han Qiqing's voice was a little nervous, but it was true.

She didn't notice the hotel's name at all.

Seeing that his brother was not talking, Han Qiqing swallowed, "Brother, wouldn't you ... don't tell me, you're here in Sydney too?"

"No," my brother replied softly.

For the first time, Han Qiqing thought his brother's cold voice was so beautiful.

She hung her heart down.

"That's good, that's good ..."

"what did you say?"

"No, nothing! I'm just wondering, why are you asking me about the hotel?" Han Qiqing shifted the topic, and at the same time asked her a little bit puzzled.

"Just ask, don't run around, pay attention to your own safety."

My brother urged him to hang up.

When Han Qiqing saw that he didn't answer himself, he stopped asking.

Fortunately, he did not supervise her tuition, and I was really afraid that her brother would not let her go out to play.

Han Qiqing was relieved.

Song Shijun held her aside and asked, "Your brother?"

"Um." Han Qiqing nodded.

Song Shijun said, "I feel that your brother is very concerned about you now, and he called to confirm your safety."

"That's my brother, and of course I care." Han Qiqing said with a smile.

So, my brother made this call because he cared about her?

Mo Xiaomeng said, "There is no bus at this time, so we can only ask a taxi to go back, or the hotel's car to pick us up."

Nowhere is it better than abroad, this time is the beginning of nightlife.

At night abroad will become very deserted.

Now it's almost New Year's Day, and there are more tourists coming to Sydney for the New Year's Eve.

When Han Qiqing answered the phone, the group went a long way.

Just the more you go, the more you seem to be invisible.

It is winter and the wind is cold at night.

Yin Shao gathered her scarf around Xiaomu's neck and said to everyone, "There's nothing to take a walk, let's go back to the hotel."

I wanted to call a taxi, but I looked around and didn't see a taxi for a while.

Han Qiqing squatted down and looked at the time on the phone inconceivably.

"Oh my god, it's just over ten o'clock. I can't get a car, I miss Didi at home ..."

Now it is too convenient in China, all kinds of convenient software.

It is very inconvenient if you do n’t own a car abroad.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked around, pointed to the other street and said, "Let's go over there, it seems to be the road, hoping to see a taxi ..."

At this moment, the sound of gurgling came from the grass next to it.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't care, thought it was the sound of wind, or there was a mouse or something.

Who knows, a shadow came out of the grass and struck her leg.

Yin Shaoyu was keenly aware of something and yanked Mu Xiaoxiao.

She froze and looked at him puzzled, "What's wrong?"

Why are you suddenly pulling her ...

Suspicious eyes suddenly straightened, staring wide at the place where she had just stood.

A snake ...

Great snake!

Mu Xiaoxiao only felt a chill coming from his back, which made her shake a few times.

"Big, everyone be careful!"

While she was afraid, she did not forget to remind everyone.

Everyone noticed this unexpected visitor.

A snake thicker than a boy's arm!

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