Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2200: Don't look (1)

after an hour.

The next show is about to begin, but the head is looking for magicians everywhere.

"Daren? Where's Darren? Where did he go ?!"

The head roared angrily in the background.

Everyone looked at each other.

After a while, the magician's female assistant hurried over, raised her hand and said, "The regiment, regimental leader, it seems that Dalen has gone out, and has not yet returned ...

The head of the team scolded a few swear words, remembering that he had asked the magician to find the group of people.

"This idiot, don't know to come back to catch the next one? Damn, every one is as stupid as a pig!"

The female assistant asked hesitantly, "The head, what should the magic show do ..."

"Damn, how do I know what to do! I won't be magic! Will you? If you will, you will go!"

The female assistant looked awkward. "I won't ..."

"Then what would you do?" The chief spit his breath at her.

The female assistant said depressed, "I'm just an assistant ..."

At this moment, a man next to him said slyly, "Otherwise you go up for a striptease | clothing dance? Make sure the tickets are sold out."

The female assistant's face turned pale.

Fortunately, the head of the group didn't want to smash the circus signboard and did not agree to such a thing.


In a small building in the rocky area.

The first floor is a characteristic restaurant, which goes up the white stairs and has a blue door.

Darren came in through the back door, stepped up, and opened the door.

Obviously it was daytime, but the curtains were closed in the room, and the light was dim.

"Fuck, I'm going to sleep, shut the door!" A curse came from the sofa.

With a dark face, Dai Lun walked over and kicked the man on the sofa with his foot.

"Get up, don't sleep, I have something to say."

"Say a P! Didn't the action just start at night?" The man on the sofa was awakened and glanced at the clock on the wall. He was so angry that he swept through the table with his feet.

Darren simply ignored him and went over to the bed to wake the others up.

The others were not bad-tempered, but a few had a good relationship with him and woke up and gathered on the coffee table carpet.

"What's the matter, tell me, I didn't sleep until eight in the morning, and I'm so sleepy now."

Darren tapped the wooden floor with his hand and asked, "Did you put the bombs?"

"Crap, don't let it go, what do you do tonight? You're just asking this?"

Darren shook her head and said, "No, you all washed my face and woke up. Now that the plan has changed, we will start in the afternoon."

"Afternoon? Didn't you explode when people watched more fireworks at night?"

The light in the room was turned on, and the light shone on the person's face.

He is a black man, his facial features look ordinary, but his eyes are **** and vicious.

Dalen didn't want to explain anything. She patted the shoulder of a nearby person and said, "It doesn't interfere with the night, anyway, our purpose is to kill some people, doesn't it? If you blast it more, it will kill more people. "

"Fried more? Where do you want to fry?"

Darlen's eyes were gloomy. "It's right here-the rocky area, isn't this right? It blows up our traces here, so we can't find us."

Several others glanced at each other, and someone sneered, "Dalen, you look a little ill. Tell me, is there anybody who is against you?"

"If you care about him, it will explode. His grandma's. I've seen the old man next door unhappy. When I went out, he stared at me as if I were a bad person."

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