Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2212: Can't watch her die (1)

Yin Shao smiled with a lip, pretending to be mysterious, "Guess? This person you know."

"I know?" Mu Xiao raised his eyebrows, pondered his chin for a moment, and squinted his eyes. "Is it ... Caroline?"

Yin Shaoxing shook his head.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, and said depressed, "I can't guess who this man is? You say it quickly!"

He pulled his clothes hard and forced him into submission.

Yin Shaojie nodded her nose and said, "Stupid, I can't guess this, it's not your beautiful lady boss."

Mu Xiaoxiao stunned, "beauty, beauty boss? Is she? How could it be!"

Yin Shao held her shoulder and said, "I wasn't going to explain to you why I went to her before? It turned out that I was the same organization as her, because of the terrorists, I went to her for help."

"Organization? What organization? You are the same organization as her?" Mu Xiaoxiao was completely stupefied, and his head was full of question marks.

Yin Shaoyi groaned. "What's the matter, it's not a regular organization, it just means a small group, like Caroline and Nemo."

He explained briefly the situation of their organization.

To put it plainly, it is a small global group of geniuses from all countries.

Mu Xiaoxiao paused, as if he understood, and gave him a brief moment, "So you are ... indirectly boasting that you are a genius?"

Yin Shaojie laughed. "It seems like I can say the same."

If he doesn't have any patience, he can't join this organization.

In fact, in addition to being able to recognize geniuses in various fields, this organization also made him meet some good friends.

Mu Xiaoxiao asked puzzledly, "Even Caroline, why is Nemo also in the organization, except he can play rogue, where is the genius?"

Yin Shaojie coughed, "This one ... Of course he has his ability, but he didn't let you know."

Can't tell her that Nemo was a family of gods?

Mu Xiaoxiao remembered something, holding his neckline and saying, "Then there should be other girls in your organization besides Caroline? Do any of them like you?"

"Shouldn't." Yin Shaoxing shook his head.

Mu Xiaoxiao snorted and tightened his neckline even harder. "You lied! Last time I answered the phone for you, someone called you dear, it's a female voice, she must like you, right?"

It seems that he attaches great importance to the friends of that organization.

She thought that if a girl was close to him, maybe it would be interesting to him?

Yin Shaoyan raised his eyebrows and thought for a while, "Call me dear? It seems that no one will call me like this, will they be kidding you?"

Mu Xiaoxiao said he did not accept this explanation.

Yin Shaoyi pondered for a while and snapped his fingers, "I know, it's that guy! There is a guy who especially likes pranks. He is a man, but can change his voice, whether it's a woman's voice or an old man's voice. Tools, he can change freely. So it must be him, after listening to your call, calling me intentionally like this. "

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him to see if he was lying.

"Really? Is there such a person?"

Yin Shaoji said very seriously, "How can I lie to you, I even confessed to you about the organization, right? Next time, take a chance and I will show you that person and you will know."

Mu Xiaoxiao thought about it and finally decided to believe him.

After all, he rarely lied to her.

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