Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2216: Qi Qing is so handsome! (1)

Yin Shaoji knew that she was uncomfortable in her heart, and took her into her arms.

"I'm thinking of a way ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao circled his waist and froze on his chest, his delicate little face was full of sadness.

Yin Shaojiu thought for a while and said, "Once there, the hospital should have a file. We targeted people of this blood type to persuade them to donate blood."

Song Shijun frowned and said, "But the hospital may not be willing to give it to us."

It should be said that the hospital will definitely not give them.

Even if it is a life-saving matter, the hospital is very particular about the right to privacy, and will not give blood type files to others.

Yin Shaojiu's black eyes sank and said, "I have a solution."

Han Qiqing said, "What are you waiting for, hurry up! Even if I steal it, I am willing to do it!"

As long as she can save the little girl, she is willing to do it.

Song Shijun looked at Yin Shaoji and asked, "Shaoji, do you really have a way to get the blood type list?"

"Um." Yin Shaojie nodded surely.

Is it not easy to get the list as long as hacking technology is used to invade the hospital's file system?

Song Shijun groaned for a while and said, "Even if it ’s a list to ask those people to donate blood, it will take a little time, and it may not be successful. Otherwise, let ’s act separately and go to the list while going There are many places to see if you can find people of this blood type. As long as you spend a little money, there will always be someone willing. "

"it is good."

Although Yin Shaojie didn't want Mu Xiaoxiao to run around, she didn't worry about her, so she took her with her.

He called Nemo and asked Nemo to help break into the hospital computer system.

Nemo asked in a gossip, "What are you doing?"

"Save people, don't talk nonsense, hurry."

Nemo was fairly reliable, and as soon as he heard it was a matter of saving people, he didn't ask much.

"OK, I'll get it for you in five minutes."

After Yin Shaojiu put down the phone, he said to Song Shijun, "Then you will be with Qi Qing, and I will be with the younger one, acting separately."

Han Qiqing nodded and said, "Okay!"

Song Shijun pondered his thoughts, "We are too few, so it will be very slow, Qiqing, you call Sijue and see if he can come out and help."

Han Qiqing rushed to call.

In the hotel.

Ye Sijue received the call, looked at Mo Xiaomeng lying on the bed, held her hand, and whispered to Qi Qing in the mobile phone, "Okay, let me help you, where are you now? So, Let ’s go to the Rock District to convene people. It ’s almost time for dinner now, and people will gather there for dinner, and the little girl ’s restaurant is also there. There are many people who know her, and someone will be willing to help, eh ,See you later."

Mo Xiaomeng, who had closed his eyes, opened his eyes suddenly.

She struggled to get up. "I'm going too."

"Don't go and take a good rest in the hotel." Ye Sijue touched her forehead, rubbing her abdomen on her tender cheek.

Mo Xiaomeng was stubborn, "No, I'm going to help too. You all go to help the little girl. I can't leave, I'm going."

The six of them were a collective, how could she be absent?

She also wants to help the little girl.

Ye Sijue looked at her persistent expression, as if examining her expression, and asked, "Are you sure you want to go? Are you not upset now?"

Mo Xiaomeng held his hand and said, "It's not uncomfortable. I'm going. Will you let me go? I must go."

"It's still uncomfortable, and it's not uncomfortable." Ye Sijue pierced her lie directly.

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