Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2227: Feeling his plan (2)

Because Ye Sijue hadn't eaten yet, they asked the chef to make a lot of dishes, enough for six people.

Sure enough, Mo Xiaomeng was a little sleepy after drinking the porridge. Ye Sijue hugged her into the bedroom to rest and went out to eat.

Han Qiqing remembered something in his heart, and when he was almost full, he said he would not eat anymore, so he would go back to the room to take a shower.

"I'm full, too." Mu Xiaoxiao put down her chopsticks.

That plate of garlic prawns basically eliminated one third of her, and she also ate a lot of fried chicken.

Yin Shaojie saw that she was eating these, and forced her to eat some vegetables.

After eating, Mu Xiaoxiao was a little distressed.

The snake is still in her room ...

How is she going back?

Yin Shaojie didn't worry about this. After wiping her mouth, she got up and took her hand and said to the others, "Then we will go back."

It's too late, and there will be a fireworks show later.

There are two couples in their party, and they should all look at themselves in the room instead of having six people together.

Seeing this, Song Shijun also said, "Then I will go back to take a bath. You will each watch the fireworks one by one. I will go to Qiqing to look at it together."

New Year's Eve, can't you spend it alone?

The three said goodbye to Ye Sijue and went back to their rooms.

Yin Shaojiu led Mu Xiaoxiao to their room, but was pulled by Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Woohoo, can't we change places to sleep tonight?"

That snake is still inside.

She now remembered the giant snake, and still had goosebumps.

Yin Shaojie smiled and said, "This is no way, anyway, it's a snake, not a human. You don't have to look at it. I'm here, don't be afraid."

He didn't want to have a snake to disturb the time when they were alone, but now this situation has no choice but to leave.

Mu Xiaoxiao had to compromise after he persuaded.

She hid behind him and watched him open the door and enter the room.

In the living room, the giant snake was not seen.

Mu Xiaoxiao almost thought that what had happened before was her hallucination.

"Well, what about the snake?"

Did it go on its own?

There were no magic figures lying on the ground before.

Yin Shaoxing explained, "I have taken the magician away. He should be in prison now."

Even if their plans for the terrorist attack were destroyed by him and Queen, these people are always terrorists and cannot be easily let go, otherwise they will not know what tragedy will happen in the future.

Mu Xiaoxiao asked, "Did the snake go with him?"

Yin Shaoji groaned, "Nothing is right, maybe it is gone by itself."

Then, he noticed a less obvious but suspicious trace on the carpet.

Following this trace, he went into the bedroom.

Mu Xiao followed him in doubt.

Yin Shaojiu turned into the cloakroom.

Mu Xiaoxiao asked puzzled, "What's wrong?"

When he walked to the closet near the corner, she sounded the alarm.

Those indescribable clothes!

"Wait, wait! What are you doing?"

I wanted to stop him, but it was too late.

Swipe to the floor, Yin Shaojiu opened the wardrobe below.

Mu Xiaoxiao covered her face awkwardly.

"So you're here." Yin Shaoji said with a smile.

"I didn't hide it here ..." Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to explain, but opened his eyes and saw that the snake came out slowly from below.

She froze.

It turned out that Yin Shaoji discovered this snake, wasn't it ...

But soon, Yin Shaoji discovered the secret in the closet.

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