Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2229: Feeling his plan (4)

I didn't know if the snake understood it, I saw it swimming slowly past it, climbed into the bed, and got into the quilt, as if rolled into a ball under the quilt.

Inexplicably, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that he seemed to like it very much.

She poked at Yin Shaoxing, "This snake ... is so spiritual."

It's amazing to be able to understand people.

But think about it, cats, dogs and dogs can understand people, why can't snakes understand?

Yin Shaojiu pulled Mu Xiaoxiao out and closed the door.

"This way, aren't you afraid?"

Mu Xiaoxiao thinks, the snake will never open the door, right?

She nodded her head.

Yin Shaojie looked outside the floor-to-ceiling window and said to her, "It should be setting off fireworks soon. Would you like to take a shower first?"

"Okay, then I'll take a shower first."

Tired today, Mu Xiaoxiao felt sweating on his body and wanted to take a bath long ago.

But she just stepped out of step and returned to him, hugging his arm.

"I'm still a bit scared. You stay with me."

"Let's wash it with you?" Yin Shao narrowed his eyes, his eyes became hot, obviously he wanted to crook.

Mu Xiaoxiao was ashamed. "What do you want, I mean, I take a bath in it, and you guard it outside!"

Yin Shao made a sigh and expressed regret.

"I think it's better for us to wash together and save time."

Besides, it hasn't been washed together.

Yin Shaojie thought the idea was very good, so she took her and walked to the room.

"No! Only more time!"

Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't know him yet?

As long as he is given the opportunity to eat tofu, this guy will definitely not let go, he will definitely eat enough.

If it is a half-hour bath time, if two people wash together, it takes two hours to wash in minutes.

She shoved him. "There is a bathroom outside. You can wash outside."

Yin Shaojie didn't want to. He raised three fingers and said, "I promise, I will never do anything else, just take a bath."

"I do not believe!"

Don't believe him!

Mu Xiaoxiao pushed him out of the room very strongly.

Yin Shaojie was helpless, holding her right hand on the door frame, and looked at her with a regretful expression, asking, "Really don't think about it?"

"No, thank you!" Mu Xiaoxiao pushed him out and closed the door slyly.

Yin Shaojie made a low laugh outside.

In the room, Mu Xiaoxiao locked the door.

Not afraid of him coming in, but of the snake.

She didn't want to miss the opening of the fireworks show, so she took a shower quickly.

While wearing pajamas, she happened to be looking at the three indescribable clothes in the laundry basket.

Some shameful pictures can't help but come to mind.

She shook her hot face and looked away.

Putting on pajamas, Mu Xiaoxiao walked out of the living room and found that Yin Shaojie had not yet come out.

She walked to the large floor-to-ceiling window and pulled all the curtains to the edge, showing the best view.

She rested her hand on the glass, her eyes full of expectation.

"It should be almost time, right?"

The long-awaited New Year's firework show.

Suddenly, a tall body radiating water vapor encircled her thin waist from behind.

"You didn't give me pajamas, so I could only wrap myself around in a bath towel, so cold." Yin Shaoxing said, holding her tighter.

"Then I'll get it ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to turn around, but he held it down.

"Don't move, just like that, use your body temperature to warm me." Yin Shaojie smiled, looking at her hand on the floor-to-ceiling window, his hand covered.

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