Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2231: Someone is with you (2)

Song Shijun said, "Unfortunately, I asked the waiter to buy cake for you."

Han Qiqing just realized that he was holding a box in his hand, and immediately smiled, "So good? Thank you!"

Song Shijun found a good view in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and moved the chair and table.

He put the cake down, groped in the refrigerator, and took out the beer.

After thinking about it, I called the waiter and brought some snacks to the room.

Waited for a while, but did not see Han Qiqing came out.

He probed, "Qi Qing, what are you doing?"

"Wait, what's the reminder!" Han Qiqing's voice came from the toilet.

Song Shijun felt sick and walked over.

叩叩 ——

The sound of knocking outside the door almost scared Han Qiqing.

With a guilty expression, she asked, "What, what!"

Song Shijun said, "I'm going to the toilet. Haven't you taken a shower? What are you doing in there?"

"What do you care about me! This is my room. Why do I want to stay in the toilet? Don't make a noise." Han Qiqingding went back.

Song Shijun laughed, "I'm afraid you fell into the toilet."

"Well! Do you still want to stay here?" Han Qiqing threatened.


Song Shijun knocked on the door two more times. "Hurry up, I'm really anxious."

Han Qiqing had no choice but to come out. "You are really annoying."

Song Shijun's eyelids dropped, and she noticed the details of her phone.

This girl is hiding in the toilet and playing with her mobile phone?

Think of something, Song Shijun said, "I haven't seen the circle of friends you sent before. I originally wanted to steal your picture, you can send me a copy."

Han Qiqing was puzzled. "Why are you stealing my picture? You don't like to make friends."

Song Shijun's circles are mostly people from the political world, so he will not do such naive behavior.

"I'll send it to others, won't it?" Song Shijun persuaded.

Han Qiqing didn't think much, "Oh, then I'll send it to you, don't you say it's urgent? Go to the toilet."

Song Shijun entered the bathroom and closed the door.

Han Qiqing noticed his table and chairs and walked over to sit down.

She took out her phone and stared at the WeChat chat box, waiting for someone's reply.

"Why didn't you reply? Did he not see it? What time is it in China at this time ..."

Han Qiqing murmured, and for a while, couldn't remember how many time differences there were between China and Sydney.


Suddenly there was a humming sound behind him.

Han Qiqing was like a bird of surprise, and looked back in shock, and saw Song Shijun squinting.

"Lu Yichen ... It turns out you're sending him a message, no wonder you're hiding from me."

He had an expression of guilt over his teacher.

Han Qiqing froze, his face a little awkward, "Uh ..."

There is an illusion of being caught doing bad things as a kid.

Sitting in another chair, Song Shijun glanced at her and said, "So when you ate, you didn't send a circle of friends at all, right?"

Han Qiqing froze.

Is his guess too accurate?


In fact, she always knew how smart Song Shijun's mind was, but usually the two talked to each other, and she occasionally forgot this.

She felt like she had nowhere to hide before him.

Han Qiqing touched his nose awkwardly and had to admit it, "Um."

There was no way to not admit it, they were arrested.

Song Shijun hummed twice and asked, "Isn't he ignoring you before? When did you chat so smoothly?"

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