Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2234: If I want, do you give it? (1)


Mu Xiaoxiao got up and looked at his mobile phone, and received many New Year congratulations from many friends.

Especially friends in the United States, there is no Chinese New Year in the United States, so the New Year's Day is a New Year for them.

Mu Xiaoxiao happily responded one by one.

After pulling back, I saw the message that Jun Zeye sent to her, just four words "Happy New Year".

When she looked at the time, it was zero in the country.

This is the moment when China enters the new year.

Mu Xiaoxiao got up suddenly from the bed, screamed, and said in his mouth, "Ah, what to do ..."

"What's wrong?" Yin Shaojiu rolled over, holding her with long arms.

Mu Xiaoxiao bowed his head and showed him Azer's text message.

"At zero, I forgot to give Azefa a Happy New Year."

Very guilty tone.

Yin Shaojie, "..."

He got up, squeezed her chin, and kissed her for a while.

Early in the morning, Mu Xiaoxiao was blushed by him and his breathing was not smooth.

"What are you doing!" She patted him.

Yin Shaoxing finished punishing her, and then slowly said, "Anyway, the zero point has passed. Now you can return to him a happy New Year?"

Mu Xiao's novel, "That's different!"

"What's different? How much more special treatment do you want to give him?" Yin Shaoyin's tone was sour.

Mu Xiaoxiao lifted the quilt to get out of bed.

Yin Shao narrowed his eyes, caught his long arm, and held her in his arms.

His thin lips pressed against her ears, deliberately blowing a warm breath.

"That's good, Azer is also my brother. I will record a video with you and tell him Happy New Year. Is this treatment special enough?"

Mu Xiaoxiao did not expect that he would have this idea.


Yin Shaoyi snatched the mobile phone in her hand, "Then record it."

Mu Xiaoxiao wondered, "Record like this?"

Is he crazy?

Not to mention that the two just woke up and didn't wash their faces. The two of them were lying on a bed and were disheveled. Are they afraid that others won't know what they have done?

Mu Xiaoxiao realized that this guy was intentional, and reached out and squeezed his face.

Yin Shaojiao pulled down her hand and said with a smile, "Of course it is not possible to record like this, I will give you some makeup."


Mu Xiao carefully thought that she didn't put on makeup.

Immediately, she saw Yin Shaojiu bury her head in her neck and planted a bright strawberry very hard.

Then he grinned proudly, "Look, right?"

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Pushed him away and didn't want to ignore him anymore.

Seeing that she went into the bathroom, Yin Shaojiu dropped her cell phone and followed.

"Yin Shaoxing, you go out!"

"Don't make trouble, let's wash together and save time."

"There is a bathroom outside, you go to that bathroom!"

"what is the relationship……"

The two had some fun in the bathroom. It was half an hour after washing out.

Mu Xiaoxiao went to the cloakroom to pick clothes.

Yin Shaojiu leaned on the door, the top of her pajamas was open, exposing a strong chest and abdominal muscles.

As a result, Mu Xiao couldn't pick his clothes intently, his eyes always flickered on him unconsciously.

"Why don't you stand?" Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at him and accused him.

Yin Shaojie said with a smile, "Where shall I go?"

"Come cool down." Mu Xiaoxiao waved.

Yin Shaojie walked over with her long legs, looked at the skirt in her hand, and said with dissatisfaction, "Would you like to look so good?"

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