Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2237: If I want, do you give it? (4)

The solution has not been thought of yet, but an unexpected guest came.

When he heard the door bell, Mu Xiaoxiao went to open the door.

"Hello, cute." A beautiful woman stood outside.

Mu Xiaoxiao froze, "beauty, beauty boss?"

"Just call me Queen." Queen smiled slightly. "Don't you ask me to sit in?"

Mu Xiaoxiao rushed away and let her in.

"Come in, come in."

Yesterday, she learned the identity of the beauty boss from Yin Shaojiao, which made her confused.

But think about it, the impression that the beautiful lady boss gave her has always been very mysterious. With such an identity, it seems that there is no sense of violation.

Queen walked in, smiled elegantly, and greeted everyone.

"Beauty boss lady?" Han Qiqing was surprised.

Song Shijun didn't expect it to be her, and could not help thinking of the title "Little Brother" and smiled awkwardly.

Ye Sijue and Mo Xiaomeng didn't know who this person was, and smiled friendly back.

Yin Shaojie stepped forward, "Queen? Are you looking for me?"

He felt that Queen should not come to look for a small one, it is more likely to find him.

Queen glanced, and her eyes fell on the serpent in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

With a smile in her eyes, she said to Yin Shaoji, "I heard you have a little thing here, so come and see."

small things?

The eyes of all the people fell on the serpent.

Queen was obviously interested. She walked over to the serpent without fear, and reached out to touch it.

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little worried about whether the snake would attack her.

Unexpectedly, the giant snake just looked up, the diamond-shaped snake eyes looked at her for a few seconds, then dropped her head, and then let her touch it.

"It's so sweet, so cute," Queen praised.

Everyone, "..."

Yin Shaoji saw something and asked her, "Senior, wouldn't you want this snake?"

Queen's eyes were slightly curved, and she bowed her head and said, "If you want me, will you give them?"

Mu Xiaoxiao asked, "Beauty ... Sister Queen, do you want to raise it?"

The lady boss is a unique person. Even if she wants to raise a snake, it doesn't seem to be unusual.

Who knows, Queen laughed and asked her in a playful tone, "If I want to eat it, would you give it to me?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was stupefied. I don't know if she was joking or really.

I don't know if the snake understands it, raised his head and spit out the snake letter.

Yin Shaoji clearly knew she was joking, "It's not mine, so if you want it, it depends on whether it is willing or not."

It just happened that they were thinking about how to deal with this snake.

If Queen is willing to raise, and the snake is willing to follow her, it would be happy.

Queen took two steps, took an apple from her bag, and placed it on the ground.

She said to the snake, "If you want to follow me, this apple is yours."

Mu Xiaoxiao exclaimed, "How do you know it likes apples?"

Queen put her hand on her mouth and made a ‘this is a secret’ gesture.

Yin Shaojii laughed and said nothing.

When he asked for help from the organization, he mentioned this, but he didn't expect Queen to be so careful.

No doubt Queen relied on an apple to regain the snake.

She also arranged for the person and carried a large box up to carry the snake.

After all, you can't just take it like this, it will be scary.

What Queen remembered, she asked Mu Xiaoxiao, "Did you use the clothes last night? Although you didn't make your own fit, these sets are carefully chosen by me and I think they are suitable for you."

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