Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2250: Let's try out (1)

In the car.

Han Qiqing urged the driver to drive quickly, while calling Xiao Xiao, but Xiao Xiao refused to answer, which was anxious for her.

The driver drove in front, and from time to time he glanced at her from the rear-view mirror, looking restless.

At the airport, Han Qiqing ran down from the car and called Song Shijun.

"I've arrived at the airport. Have you arrived yet? I'm at the gate of the airport."

Song Shijun said, "I just arrived and was at the airport gate. Why didn't I see you?"

"I'm at entrance number two. Where are you?"

"I'm also at entrance number two. Why can't I see you?"

Han Qiqing looked around. Because it was still early, nobody came to the airport at all.

So empty, how could he not see her?

"You're standing at the entrance door. Have you arrived? Why can't you see me?"

Is there something wrong with this guy's eyes?

As soon as she looked back, she saw Song Shijun, only a few steps away from her.

He can't see it, is he blind?

Han Qiqing waved at him in a depressed way, "I'm here! Standing in front of you, you can't see, have your eyes opened?"

Song Shijun was shocked to see her.

"Wow, Qiqing, what do you look like ..."

Give him such a horrifying look early in the morning, and thanks to his soberness, otherwise she would be scared.

"What kind of look?" Han Qiqing was puzzled.

Song Shijun's chest was undulating. The more she looked at her, the more funny she was.

"Are you helping the cos beggar ... this hairstyle is almost ..."

Han Qiqing touched her hair before realizing that she was not trimming her hair and screamed, "I forgot to comb my hair!"

Seeing that Song Shijun laughed more and more exaggerated, she wanted to be stubborn.

"Don't laugh, okay? Is it so funny? Isn't it just a chicken nest? Haven't you seen it? It's rare and strange!"

Song Shijun bent over with a smile, "You are more wonderful than the henhouse ... ha ha ha ha ..."

Han Qiqing became dark, stretched his leg and kicked his calf.

"Enough, don't laugh!"

She laughed and turned her face.

Song Shijun closed his expression for a second, but was uncomfortable.

Han Qiqing froze, and quickly turned around to take care of his looks.

Who knows, the hair is actually knotted.

"Really annoying!"

After a few minutes, she straightened her hair with her fingers, but there were no hair loops, which made her depressed again.

She didn't want to just clutter her hair like that.

Han Qiqing looked around, and his eyes fell on Song Shijun's clothes.

He was wearing a sweater-style casual jacket with two ropes hanging from both sides of his hat.

She pointed at him and said, "Tear me off the rope."

Song Shijun paused and didn't respond.

"Hurry up!" Han Qiqing simply did it himself, holding one side of the rope, and pulling it hard.

"Well! You wait, I'll come by myself." Song Shijun was almost pulled over by her with clothes.

He pulled the rope out, handed it to her, and saw her tie her hair with a pony tail.

Song Shijun smiled. "It's still very smart."

"Of course, I still use you to say." Han Qiqing took his compliment without blushing.

After fixing her hair, she urged him to go to the airport.

"Hurry up, Xiaoxiao must be in there. I don't know if she has gone through security."

Song Shijun followed her and said, "I checked. The earliest flight was at 7.15. If she bought a ticket, it should be boarding at this time."

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