Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2274: You are here to murder your husband (1)

"Yin Shaoxing!"

Mu Xiaoxiao almost rushed to the past and rushed into Yin Shaojiao's arms.

Yin Shaojiao folded her arms and hugged her tightly.

His thin lips pressed against her ears and said, "I'm back."

Mu Xiaoxiao just hugged him tightly, as if afraid he would run away.

Han Qiqing four came over with a smile.

"Fortunately, this guy is finally back."

Yin Shaojie still had a lot of self-control. He did not admire Xiaoxiao in front of everyone, looked up, and greeted everyone.

"You're done? Why don't you wait for me? I haven't eaten yet."

Ye Sijue smiled and said, "I've been dragging them, but you are too slow, and I can't help it."

It turned out that the call he had received earlier was from Yin Shaoji.

Originally, Yin Shaoyi wanted to surprise Xiao Xiao, but unfortunately he came a little slower.

Hearing their conversation, Mu Xiaoxiao came to his senses, stared at Ye Sijue and said, "Why don't you tell us?"

Ye Sijue shrugged and threw the pot back to Yin Shaojie.

Yin Shao leaned on Mu Xiaoxiao's shoulder and said, "Okay, let's go home."

Others also knew that they wanted to be alone, so they knew each other, and said goodbye, and went home separately.

Han Qiqing gave them the Han driver and used Song Shijun's car to go back.

In the car.

Mu Xiaoxiao leaned his head on Yin Shaojiao's shoulder, and stared at him with "Yu Guang", "Is the matter ... resolved?"

Yin Shaojie's dark eyes were deep and he could not see what he was thinking.

"People who broke our engagement before have already punished them."

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't think about it.

He returned to her, and she was content.

Yin Shaojie's long fingers touched her bangs, and her magnetic voice whispered, "Do you miss me?"

Mu Xiaoxiao remembered that he had left himself, and said deliberately, "I don't want to."

Yin Shaojie chuckled, his chest vibrated.

"Do you really don't want to?"

Mu Xiaoxiao snorted twice, "Yes, I don't want to."

Yin Shaojiu clasped her chin with a tiger's mouth, and let her face her eyes in a domineering manner. His handsome face was a little closer, and the pure male breath lingered around him.

"You don't want to do anything, it's a penalty!"

Said, we will kiss her.

Mu Xiaoxiao's cheeks became hot with his breath, and he noticed that his face was close, and avoided it.

"Someone," she whispered.

If it's Yin's car, she can let him kiss him, but this is Han's car, of course she is embarrassed.

Yin Shaojie knew her thoughts and felt a little sorry.

"For the first time, it's been so long ..." he murmured.

Mu Xiaoxiao grabbed his neck, buried his head in his arms, and smiled eagerly.

Yin Shaoyi's big hand was put on her waist.

"Hum, you'll be miserable in a moment."

Mu Xiaoxiao gave up. "What, I haven't settled with you yet."

"What account?" Yin Shaojiang pretended not to understand.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked down at his shoulder, took a sip and lowered his head, exclaiming, "You still pretend, you gave me sleeping pills, and deceived me back to the country. You talk about this account?"

Anyway, he could coax her without thinking.

"You don't know, this is for your good." Yin Shaojie took her little hand, put it on the thin lips and kissed.

Mu Xiaoxiao pulled back his hand and refused to let him kiss.

"You wait first, this is not the case. I'm still angry now, you're serious!"

It's the same look that makes people irritable to him.

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