Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2285: Are you jealous? (4)

"What can I do? Isn't this good?"

Song Shijun walked over and pointed to the love letter and gifts on the table.

"Well, with so many love letters and so many gifts, don't you really enjoy being a goddess and idol?"

However, Han Qiqing did not feel good, but she felt very uncomfortable.

"Just because of a video? They like me?"

She said she didn't understand what these people were thinking.

And such likes are not true at all, they are all illusory.

Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't think so, "They like you, they think you are kind, they like your inner beings, this video is just a medium, they want them to know you, I think there is nothing wrong with it."

Han Qiqing shook his head, "I don't want to be a celebrity!"

Song Shijun said with amusement, "No one wants you to be a celebrity, rest assured, they just have their eyes blinded for a while, just a while later."

Han Qiqing raised his pillow and smashed him.

Song Shijun hid and fell into a single sofa.

He got up, dialed the love letter on the tea table with his hand, and whispered, "It's quite a lot."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him, grinned, and said jokingly, "Shijun, you said in the morning that no one wants Qiqing, this time he beat his face."

Song Shijun patted his face very cooperatively.

"I forgot that there are more than a billion people in China, and some of them are blind."

As soon as the voice fell, a cushion flew over.

Song Shijun flexibly stretched out his hand and grabbed it into his arms.

"Come, let me see how nasty the love letter they write."

He leaned forward and wanted to get a love letter.

Mu Xiaoxiao waved his hand like a fly, "No, these are for Qi Qing, only Qi Qing can see."

Song Shijun pouted his lips and leaned back into the sofa. "If you don't see, don't look. I don't read love letters. I just want to give her some advice so that she can understand what love letters are fake and which love letters are Sincerely. "

Han Qiqing frowned, looking at the love letter on the coffee table, and said sadly, "I don't know if I want to see ..."

"Look, why don't you watch?" Song Shijun urged, "Quickly take a few to see, I will analyze and analyze for you by the way."

To put it plainly, he just wanted to read the content of the love letter.

Mu Xiaoxiao saw through his tricks and said to Han Qiqing, "Qi Qing, if you want to see it, take it back and take it slowly."

Han Qiqing thought about it and nodded, "Um."

Song Shijun pursed his lips, looking upset.

He folded his hands on the back of his head, and said with regret, "I knew that I would be in a group with Qi Qing, so that I could also be filmed in the video and try a red taste."

Han Qiqing didn't bother to deal with his strange yin and yang, and to Mu Xiao's novel, "Little, what would you like to drink? I'll get it for you."

Mu Xiao's novel, "No need, I can get it myself."

But Han Qiqing had to go to get it, Mu Xiaoping said he wanted hot milk tea.

Song Shijun said, "I'm going to be a hot guy, too."

Han Qiqing gave him a white look, "If you call it like this, I won't get it for you!"

"Oh, Qi Qing, help me get a drink, thank you." Song Shijun quickly changed his mouth.

Mu Xiaoxiao covered her mouth and laughed.

When Han Qiqing left, she moved to the edge of the couch near Song Shijun, her eyes bent and squinted at him, and she snickered and asked, "Shi Jun, you see Qi Qing receiving so many love letters, shouldn't she be jealous Right? "

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