Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2287: Aren't you there? (2)

Song Shijun, "..."

Others don't need to guess, can you know that you are hiding here?

"Hurry up!" Han Qiqing urged him.

Song Shijun sighed and said that he had no choice but to take out his mobile phone lazily.

But don't forget to vomit, "If those boys know you are like this, see if they will like you ..."

"I want you to control!"

the other side.

Mu Xiaoxiao was taken to the playground for physical education class by Yin Shaoxing.

"Well, I will be in class, you go." Mu Xiaoxiao waved at him.

When the two appeared together, everyone's eyes were instantly focused on them.

This guy's presence is too strong.

Mu Xiaoxiao is a little helpless, just want him to leave quickly.

Who knows, Yin Shaoji said, "I will accompany you to class."

Mu Xiaoxiao froze.

In her ears, another meaning of this sentence was that he wanted to supervise her class.

Would you like this?

Mu Xiaoxiao raised three fingers and said frowningly, "I promise, I'll have a good class, okay? Come on, don't make a mess."

"I didn't make trouble, didn't I haven't attended a class with you." Yin Shaojii smiled disapprovingly.

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly realized that he was serious.

He really wants to accompany her to physical education class!

Yin Shaojie led her to the team that gathered in the class.

The physical education teacher saw him from a distance, noticed that he was approaching, and called with a smile, "Sir, do you come to class?"

"Well, I'll accompany this girl for this class. You don't need to care about me."

P.E. teacher,"……"

It's hard not to care!

The other girls were so excited, their eyes seemed to be fixed on Yin Shao's handsome face.

Mu Xiaoxiao poked Yin Shaoyu with his hand and whispered, "Don't you have to go to class? You don't need to accompany me, you go."

Yin Shaojie looked at her, and said with a smile on her lips, "You are more important."

These five words immediately aroused the envy of the girls.

"He is so affectionate ..."

"What to do if I like to have less ..."

"What fun can't be with your life ..."

Among the girl's idiots, Yin Shaoxian looked at the teacher blindly and asked, "What's on today?"

"Uh ..." The sports teacher took a second, reacted, and explained to him, "Be a warm-up, and then run ... Run 800 meters, ah, but if Mu ca n’t run, run half a symbol The circle will do. "

He thought Yin Shaoxing felt sorry for his girlfriend.

Who knows, Yin Shaoji said, "No, of course you have to run the whole course, then start warming up."

"Uh, oh, warm up! Everyone starts warming up!"

It was almost an instruction from Yin Shaoyu and a movement from the teacher.

Yin Shaojiu led Mu Xiaoxiao into the team, and the two stood next to each other.

The **** the side suddenly screamed with excitement, and secretly stood near Yin Shaojie.

The physical education teacher pointed at the girl and said, "You, get away, get up, don't stand so close, get away."

The girls did it slyly.

So start warming up.

Mu Xiaoxiao basically moves every time, even if he is warming up.

Yin Shaoji asked her obliquely, and asked her arms around her chest, "Are you sure you call this warm-up?"

Mu Xiaoxiao jumped twice, "Warm up, isn't it just to move your muscles and warm your body? I can move like this."

Shaking hands, shaking feet, looks perfunctory.

Yin Shaojiao walked up to her and pulled her hands up straight.

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