Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2291: Write a love letter to her (2)

Feng Tianqi realized that she was saying something wrong, and quickly remedied it.

Mu Xiaoxiao was relieved to hear that the kitten was saved.

"I don't know what he thinks. Since he doesn't like small animals, why should he keep them?" She said she couldn't understand.

Feng Tian Qi spread his hands. "I don't understand. He also gave the kitten a name, Mu Feng."

Mu Xiaoxiao remembered what Feng Shengyang said before, and knew that the kitten was a male cat.

"Oh." She lacked interest.

Feng Tianqi was full of interest. "It seems my brother really wanted to raise this cat, and he even named it. When I went to look for my brother, the kitten kept calling in the cage, and I said, it Maybe I wanted to play, my brother let it out. I originally wanted to play with the kitten. Who knows, the kitten actually ran to my brother's side and jumped on the sofa to nest in my brother's. Looks like my brother. "

"You don't know. My brother has always been a small animal insulator. The small animal saw him go around and the kitten didn't know if he was taking the wrong medicine."

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Did you talk like that?

Feng Tianqi sighed, "What surprised me even more was that the cat crawled on my brother's leg and stayed awake. My brother didn't drive it down! Are you amazing?"

"Maybe ... your brother suddenly likes small animals?" Mu Xiaoxiao guessed.

Feng Tianqi shook her head seriously, "It's impossible! My brother's look at the kitten was the kind of dislike, so I guess, in a few days, he will send the kitten away."

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Is that too irresponsible?

Cats are not brought home when you want to raise them.

Mu Xiaoxiao distressed the kitten a little.

Its life was really bumpy. Only one month after it was born, the mother and siblings died, leaving only one of her own. He was saved and saved, but was adopted by such a master, and he did not know the future. What will happen to your fate.

"Tianqi, otherwise, look at someone who has a cat nearby, steal the kitten and raise it for that person." Mu Xiaoxiao always felt that if the kitten was raised by Feng Shengyang, he would really starve to death. .

Feng Tianqi was frightened, "Steal? I dare not! My brother will hit me."

Mu Xiao's novel, "Your brother doesn't like cats anyway, even if the cat is gone, he might think it doesn't matter, right?"

"This ... that's not OK. Don't worry, my brother has told his assistant that he should feed the cat on time."

He didn't dare to offend his brother anyway.

"What if his assistant is very busy and forgets to feed the cat? The cat is really going to starve. So small a cat, do you have the heart to see it starve to death? How pathetic!" Mu Xiaoxiao planned to know It is emotional and emotional, and said that Feng Tianqi went to steal the cat.

Fengtian Qi can go in and out of Feng Shengyang's apartment, so stealing cats is still very convenient.

"Also ... in the new year, my brother has a lot of work. The assistant has to wait on his side. It is estimated that he will be busy and forget about feeding the cat." Feng Tianqi looked a little shaken.

Mu Xiaoxiao patted his shoulder and said, "It's so determined, it's up to you if the kitten can survive!"

Feng Tianqi froze, "No, I didn't promise you ..."

"You promised!" Mu Xiaoxiao fooled him.

"I didn't agree ..."

Feng Tianqi also wants to continue the debate.

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