Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2293: Write a love letter to her (4)

Next, others also expressed their opinions one after another.

Yin Shaojie thought it was almost the same and knocked at the table.

Everyone was quiet for a moment.

Yin Shaoji said, "The next thing is that I have received love letters. Tell me what part of the love letter you paid most attention to and what kind of love letter you like the most."

A girl raised her hand heroically.

"I received a love letter, and it moved me that there was a concert ticket in it. It was the concert I wanted to watch at the time, but I could n’t buy the ticket. The back of the love letter said, He likes to help me get what I like. Later ... hey, he became my boyfriend. "

Yin Shaojii nodded. "Good, next."

The next one is boys.

"I received a love letter. The content of the love letter was that the other party liked me, little by little. I only knew then that someone had been watching me silently, which made me very emotional. Later, she became my girlfriend. "

After several publications, everyone was surprised to conclude that love letters are also a science!

Moreover, the success rate of love letters is still quite high.

Although this is the electronic age, everyone uses mobile phones and computers, and rarely uses traditional letters.

But that's how it is.

Those girls who have confiscated love letters are looking forward to receiving them.

Even if there is already a boyfriend, they also said that if the boyfriend can make up a love letter for himself, then he will certainly be moved to death.

This topic has been discussed until after class.

The bell rang, and Yin Shaoyu signaled that the meeting was over.

"You can't share the contents of today's discussion with anyone, do you understand?"

Everyone looked at each other.

The smart ones have already guessed.

President, who is this to write a love letter to?

To whom?

The answer is clear.

Yin Shaojiu left the conference room and entered his office.

After a while, someone pushed in without knocking.

"It's almost time for school. Where shall we eat at noon?"

It's Song Shijun.

Followed by Han Qiqing.

"Yin Shaoxing, you remember to call Xiaoxiao and ask her to come over here."

Yin Shaoxing was writing something on the desk, looked up to see them coming in, and frowned, "Don't you come in and knock?

"Knock on the door?" Song Shijun stunned, and he didn't knock on the door normally.

He glanced and noticed that some paper **** were missing near the table.

What is Yin Shaojie writing?

This caused Song Shijun's curiosity.

Han Qiqing didn't notice the details and was suddenly dragged by Song Shijun.

"Then let's knock on the door." Song Shijun said, pulling Han Qiqing back.

Han Qiqing was puzzled. "What kind of knock are we all coming in?"

"Knock the door, it's polite."

Han Qiqing was dragged out in this way.

Song Shijun also thoughtfully closed the door.

Yin Shaojiu lowered his pen, squeezed his brows, and his eyes were a little irritable.

Why is it so difficult to write a love letter!

In addition, he is a very demanding person, so he is not satisfied with how to write.

He packed his things, picked up paper **** on the floor, and threw them into the trash.


There was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Yin Shaoji answered.

Han Qiqing pushed in the door and gave Song Shijun and Yin Shaoxu a white look. "You are so boring."

Song Shijun glanced at the ground with Yu Guang, and found that the paper ball was gone, and the corner of his mouth grinned slightly.

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