Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2311: The world's best love letters (2)

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled hesitantly, nodded to him, "Yeah!"

Yin Shaojie pinched her hair with her fingers and said magnetically, "Did you know?"

He guessed something from what she had just done.

Mu Xiaoxiao wrapped his hands around his waist and smiled very brightly.

"Do you mean you want to write a love letter to me? If so, then I know, if there are other surprises, I suggest you-frankly!

She did know.

Yin Shaojie squinted slightly. "How do you know?"

Mu Xiaoxiao used his fingers to draw circles on his collarbone, "because I have mysterious and special functions ..."

Yin Shaojie grabbed her restless fingers, "Shijun told you?"

Only Shi Jun knew it.

Mu Xiaoxiao put out her tongue in her heart.

Shijun, it wasn't me who betrayed you. It was Yin Shaojie who guessed it.

She thought about it and shook her head and said, "No, he didn't tell me."

He just gave me a scrap of the love letter you wrote.

Thinking of the contents of those love letters, Mu Xiaoxiao laughed so that her eyes were almost in a line.

"How do you know I want a love letter ..."

What she wants to say is, how can you treat me so well?

His kindness to her moved her.

Although he has always been so good to her, this time is different, and this time he felt more deeply.

Yin Shao held her back and said, "Because you have five big words" I want a love letter "in your eyes."

Mu Xiaoxiao grinned.

She suddenly denied, "No, I wrote five words, but not these five words."

"Which five words?" Yin Shaoxing was curious.

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed with stars, pulled his head down, drew it to his ear, and said, "The five words are-I love Yin Shaojie!"

Yin Shaoxing's meal.

Mu Xiaoxiao kissed him again in the corner of his mouth.

He smiled.

Mu Xiao's novel, "Do you have any other love letters hidden? Give them all to me."

Speaking of this matter, Yin Shaoyan sighed and said, "I haven't written it yet, I'll give it to you after I have finished writing it."

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head and said, "No, I have written it clearly."

"Not well written." Yin Shaojie insisted.

Mu Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "It's already written, really! Don't believe me to show you."

After that, she pulled him out.

Back in her room, there was a pile of crumpled stationery on the table.

Yin Shaojie recognized it at a glance and froze.

"Who gave these to you?"

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want to betray Song Shijun and his servants, so he just smiled.

"This, of course, was given to me by my dear husband."

Yin Shaojie could not laugh or cry, "Where did you find these scraps?"

Yes, these are his dissatisfaction.

"What scraps?" Mu Xiaoxiao expressed dissatisfaction with his words. "These are love letters! So many love letters! How can you call them scraps? Apologize to them soon."

Yin Shaojie smiled bitterly. "It's not good to write. Why are you keeping it?"

Seeing that he wanted to grab, Mu Xiaoxiao certainly couldn't give it to him.

"Don't grab it, it's mine! It's the love letter you wrote to me, every letter and every word belongs to me!"

To her, these were not scraps, all of them were his love for her.

Yin Shaoji said, "Don't ask for these anymore, it's all bad writing, you wait for me to write it before I give it to you."

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head hurriedly and said, "No, well written! Whoever said badly, I was touched to death."

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