Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2319: Take care of your little emotions (2)

Mu Xiaoxiao pulled down his hand, "It's nothing, let's go to school."

Yin Shaojie had to hold her hand and go out with her.

On the way, Mu Xiaoxiao leaned on his shoulder and looked at the traffic outside, instead of joking and joking with him as usual.

He touched her cheek and asked, "What happened?"

Mu Xiaoxiao murmured, "It's nothing."

Then continue to cheek and watch the traffic.

At school, the two got out of the car and he took her forward.

"You slow down!" She called suddenly.

Yin Shaojiu looked back and saw her frown slightly, unhappy.

He obviously didn't walk fast.

"What's wrong?" He asked again.

Mu Xiaoxiao just pursed her lips and looked a little irritable.

"I just let you go slower."

Yin Shaojie can see that her mood is not high today, and the whole person is in a state of gloom.

He looked at her and said, "You're very wrong today. Could you tell me, what's wrong? Did you have a nightmare last night? Or do you sleep well?"

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, "No ..."

"What's wrong?" Yin Shaoji asked patiently.

Mu Xiaoxiao sighed, looked up at him, and stopped talking.

"Oops, girls are in a bad mood for so many days a month! Don't ask anymore."

She said, and went forward.

Yin Shaoji suddenly realized.

Did she say what came last night, did not lie to him, is it true?

He followed her and sent her to the first high school building.

"Wait for me to buy cake for you, okay? Would you like to eat?" He asked her as he grabbed her hand.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a while and said, "It's casual."

Watching her go upstairs, he walked to the second high school building.

Sophomore S class.

Obviously no class, but the whole class is as quiet as chickens, everyone looks at each other, no one dares to speak out, but just use eye contact.

The classroom was too quiet to even hear the noise of the class next door.

With a slam, someone accidentally dropped the textbook to the ground, attracting everyone's eyes and quickly bending over to pick it up.

At this time, Han Qiqing and Song Shijun entered the classroom.

Han Qiqing stepped forward and almost thought he was in the wrong classroom.

"Did you go to class?"

Han Qiqing was surprised and looked at the time on the phone.

Obviously it's not time yet.

It ’s strange. I have n’t had a class yet. Why is the classroom so quiet?

In fact, even during class hours, classrooms are rarely so quiet.

Han Qiqing looked back at Song Shijun and asked strangely, "Do you know what happened?"

Song Shijun smiled and used his chin to figure out where Nu Yin Shaowu was.

Han Qiqing looked over, and found Yin Shaoxuan looked at the mobile phone with a cold face, not knowing what he was looking at, but his expression was very deterrent, making people subconsciously dare not approach.

She got it.

No wonder everyone dared to speak up.

Because everyone didn't know what happened to Yin Shaojie, and he was afraid that if he was too noisy, he would anger him, so he didn't consciously quiet down.

Han Qiqing was curious immediately. What was Yin Shaoxing looking at? He was so serious.

She banged Song Shijun with her elbow and whispered, "Go and ask, what's wrong with him."

Song Shijun smiled and refused, "I don't want to."

He walked to his seat and said that he was not interested.

Han Qiqing glared at him and whispered, "I'm so angry!"

At this moment, Yin Shaojiao seemed to hear their voices, looked up, and saw them.

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