Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2325: I won't see you (4)

"Don't come over, I'll talk to him for a while, and you can't eavesdrop!"

She knew he couldn't get rid of him, so she simply stayed with him and helped her out.

Feng Tianqi watched her go and wanted to keep up.

Mu Xiaoxiao turned around and stomped into his shoes.

Feng Tianqi was in pain and shrank back.

"Not allowed to come!" Mu Xiaoxiao pointed at him and said, this was going in the direction of Lu Yichen.

At this time, because of Feng Tianqi's pain, Lu Yichen also found them there.

Noticed that Mu Xiaoxiao came over, Lu Yichen stood in place, turned his gaze to other places, breathing deeply, as if adjusting his emotions.

Mu Xiaoxiao walked slowly, giving him time to adjust.

When she walked by, Lu Yichen turned back to her eyes, her face calmed down.

"You see it?" He asked.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't hide it, nodded, "I saw it and heard it."

Lu Yichen didn't speak.

Mu Xiaoxiao asked, "Is that guy Gu Pingyuan sent? Is there anything wrong with him?"

Lu Yichen said indifferently, "I don't know, I'm not interested to know."

Although he looked expressionless, she could feel his mood swings and depression.

"Do you ... hate him?" She asked cautiously.

If it were her, she would hate this person and hate him for abandoning them.

But she hadn't experienced it herself, so she couldn't empathize.

Who knows, Lu Yichen smiled.

The smile didn't reach his eyes.

He said, "Hate him? No, I hate him for wasting my time. I won't hate him. To me, this person doesn't exist."

Mu Xiaoxiao paused.

How much hate can I say?

Lu Yichen said, "Oh, you know what? He suddenly came to me several times this year, and for the past ten years, we have been in the same city, but he has never come to us, even if I have worked hard with my mother How difficult he has never been. "

Mu Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and didn't know how to answer.

She remembered the picture of Gu Pingyuan with that college mistress. Gu Pingyuan was so happy, how could she think of going to their mother and son?

However, why did Gu Pingyuan suddenly go to their mother and son this year?

There must be something in it.

She thought about it and asked, "Do you know why he came to you?"

Do you want to recognize Lu Yichen?

She had the impression that Gu Pingyuan had only one daughter, and he never heard that he had a son.

It may be that Gu Pingyuan is old and finds that he has no son to inherit the family business. Only then did he think of recognizing Lu Yichen?

Coupled with Lu Yichen's academic performance is so good, the plasticity is very strong, the future is unlimited.

The more Mu Mu thought, the more likely this was.

But this guess, she dare not speak.

Lu Yichen chuckled, "I don't know what he wants to do. Every time he sends someone to find me or to my mother, but the people he sends never say anything else, so I don't know what he wants to do. "

Mu Xiaoxiao was silent.

He just sent someone, but never came in person. From this, we can see that Gu Pingyuan was very sincere.

Lu Yichen looked at her and said, "Are you thinking, maybe he wants to recognize me? No, you think too much, do you think he only has a son with me? Although his wife did not give him a son, But he has illegitimate children outside. "

In the end, his expression became disgusted, as if he didn't want to mention anything about this person.

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