Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2327: Someone is behind the ghost (2)

Mu Xiaoxiao had already said what he said, so he didn't stop him, just watching his back like this, and slowly went away.

Click, click.

The sound of taking pictures came from behind.

She turned around and saw Feng Tianqi holding her cell phone and facing the camera.

"What are you doing!" She was speechless.

Feng Tianqi turned out the photo just taken and held it up to show her, "You look at you, you look at other boys with this look, if you let Yin Shaoji see it, would you say he would be jealous?"

"What look?" Mu Xiaoxiao glanced, feeling that he was bored.

She was just worried about Lu Yichen and Aunt Lu.

Feng Tian Qi hummed, "Emotional eyes, if others interpret it, you may misunderstand that you like him."

Mu Xiaoxiao threw him a grimace, "I just care about my friends, don't use your dirty thoughts to interpret it!"

"I'm dirty?" Feng Tianqi expressed dissatisfaction, pointing to himself, "I just stand on an objective perspective and look at it from someone else's point of view."

Mu Xiao shook her hand carefully and anxiously, "Don't make a noise, and no one else sees it. You can see it by yourself, just don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not the kind of person who loves chewing the tongue." Feng Tianqi stated his position.

"Not the best." Mu Xiaoxiao patted him and went to the teaching building.

Feng Tianqi quickly followed.

He followed her while sending a message to his brother, attaching a photo, and voicing.

When he reached downstairs in the first high school building, Mu Xiao stepped back and kicked him.

"Hello! Who would you send the photos just to?"

Feng Tianqi heard the voice, stopped typing, and said with a guilty conscience, "No! I promised you that you wouldn't talk nonsense. You just said it, but now you don't believe me?"

"Then what are you doing now?" Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at his cell phone, questioning him.

Feng Tianqi coughed, "I'm ... chatting with a girl, aren't you jealous?"

Uh, that ...

He talked to his brother, shouldn't it be a mess?

Mu Xiaoxiao dropped a sentence "You think too much" and went into the teaching building.

Feng Tianqi sent the last message, then put away the phone and followed.


Lu Yichen's popularity in Suntech is still very high, so a man in a suit came to find him in the morning, and it quickly spread among the girls. The girls were most interested in whether the man in the suit was Lu Yichen's father.

"Isn't Lu Yichen a single-parent family? He only has a mother, and he doesn't seem to have a father. Is this rumor false?"

"According to eyewitness descriptions, the man in the suit didn't look like a poor man, I guess, it was probably that Lu Yichen's father had abandoned their mother and son before, but later learned that Lu Yichen was so good, he regretted it, so he came back to recognize Lu Yichen.

"Upstairs, are you writing a novel? Doesn't anyone guess that that person is Lu Yichen's stepfather? I think this possibility is more reliable."

"Will Lu Yichen be the illegitimate child of a rich man? The man in the suit was sent by his biological father?"

"How is it possible! You girls, you have read too many novels, right? I see, maybe the man is Lu Yichen's gold master, Lu Yichen is so poor, it's the reality to sell himself for money."

The guy behind was too vicious to speculate, and the girls besieged.

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