Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2335: Refuse to say? Kill him! (2)

Seeing this, the person who landed on Yichen quickly stopped him.

"Luo Shao, are you okay?"

The boy named Luo Shao screamed in pain, and did not forget to scream, "Kill him! You TM kill him! I want him to die! I want him to die!"

His hand, his hand hurts!

Excessive pain made him lose his mind, and he shouted madly to kill Lu Yichen.

Lu Yichen panted and saw the machine kicking the person on his left.

After getting the gap, he smashed the brick to the person on the right.

Let go on both sides.

Freed, he started to run away.

He is outnumbered, so he ca n’t have an **** **** with the other person. Although he is also very angry that the boy has caused him to lose his job as a tutor, but rationally, he doesn't want to hurt himself.

"Catch him! Hurry him!"

The people in class F were all good fights and soon stopped Lu Yichen.

Still others picked up a thick wooden stick and smashed at him.

"Mum wants to run? Break your legs and see how you run!"

The wooden stick broke the cold wind in winter, and it was about to be smashed towards Lu Yichen.

Lu Yichen's pupils tightened.

Just then, a man suddenly appeared and the man holding the stick broke away.

"Stop!" The man yelled.

The boy didn't feel so painful. He stood up and took a sip at the man. "You don't have to worry about it, or you will talk with you!"

The man sneered, took a gun from his arms, and aimed at the boy.

"What are you talking about? Who is it?"

At first sight of the gun, the boy was shocked and fell to the ground.

"Gun, gun ..."

People in Class F didn't believe it, and someone whispered, "Is the gun fake?"

The man heard it and turned his muzzle at him. "Try it on you and you know if it's fake."

With that said, his finger was about to pull the trigger.

The man screamed in fright and ran back.

Others followed.

Alley was empty all of a sudden, only the man and Lu Yichen remained.

Although the man saved himself, Lu Yichen remained vigilant, looked at the man cautiously, and did not speak.

This man had a gun on his body, and even if it was not a bad person, he was a dangerous person.

The man retracted his gun, took out his phone, and sent a voice message.

"The people who bullied him have been driven away."

The man glanced at Lu Yichen and continued to report, "just slightly injured."

After a while, I got a reply.

The man clicked on his voice.

Lu Yichen heard a familiar voice and said, "Take him home."

"Understand." The man said this, and put away the phone.

He went to Lu Yichen and said, "Can you stand up?"

Lu Yichen looked at him coldly, "Gu Pingyuan asked you to follow me?"

He could not admit the mistake he just heard, it was Gu Pingyuan.

The man admits, "Yes, it was my husband who arranged for me to protect you by your side."

Lu Yichen sneered, "Protection? Is it surveillance?"

The other party does not refute.

"Come on, I'll take you home."

"No need." Lu Yichen stood up, ready to leave the alley.

The man threatened behind him. "My task now is to take you back. You can choose to cooperate. If you don't cooperate, don't blame me."

Lu Yichen stepped back without looking back, but said coldly, "You tell him, I won't see him."

The man said, "It's up to you!"

Lu Yichen paused suddenly, turned around suddenly, looked at the man and asked, "He said to send me home? Isn't he ... in my house ?!"

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