Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2348: Did you ignore me on purpose? (3)

She walked out of the bathroom with her mobile phone, walked to the bed, and threw the mobile phone to the nightstand, lying on the bed herself.

There are many thoughts in my mind ...

At this time, a knock was heard, and then the servant pushed in.

"Miss, how are you feeling?"

Han Qiqing shook his head. "I'm fine. I'm a bit tired. I want to take a break. Go out and don't disturb me."

The servant went out.

At the door, a conversation between the servant and his brother sounded.

"Well, let her rest." This is what my brother said last.

Then footsteps left the door of her room.

Han Qiqing breathed a sigh of relief, originally worried that her brother would come in and would continue to ask her to review.

Fortunately, although her brother had a little iceberg, he still hurt her.

Han Qiqing simply let himself go.

I didn't know how long it took, and I remembered Lu Yichen again. Although not as angry as before, I was still a little reconciled.

She logged in to the forum with her mobile phone and wanted to see what was going on.

I have prepared for the worst mentality. Who knows, when I entered the forum, I found it strange.


What about posts?

What about those posts that discredit Lu Yichen?

Why are you missing?

Han Qiqing rubbed his eyes and wondered if he had read it wrong.

Or is the forum malfunctioning?

She refreshed many times and found that it was still the same page. The previous X-ripping posts were all gone.

The bursting posts posted by the breaking news were all gone.

Han Qiqing blinked, for a moment, wondering if he was asleep and dreaming?

Or did she think that the tearing of X was completely her imagination?

She couldn't figure it out for a while.

"Right! Shouldn't it be that Xiao Shaoyun deleted all posts?" I thought of this possibility.

So Han Qiqing called Mu Xiaoxiao on the phone.

Compared to Song Shijun, who called a few times without answering, Xiao Xiao overwhelmed him.

"Hey, Qiqing."

Han Qiqing asked in a hurry, "Did you let Yin Shaojiu delete the post?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was stunned by her headlessness.

"What post?"

Han Qiqing was surprised, "It's those posts that discredit Lu Yichen! Those on our school forum! Didn't you let Yin Shaoji delete it?"

"No ... has someone discredited Lu Yichen? What did you say? I don't know about it, Yin Shaojie has been with me, he shouldn't know it." Mu Xiaoxiao explained.

Now it ’s time for Han Qiqing to change, "If it's not Yin Shaoxing ... who's that?"

"Qi Qing, what is going on?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked.

Han Qiqing had to tear up X today and told her one by one.

After listening, Mu Xiaoxiao was also very angry, "These people are too much!"

Han Qiqing found the organization in general and was very excited, "Yeah! Right! How could Lu Yichen do such a thing, it is too much for these people to discredit him! It must be that Luo Bo! Huh, I'll look for it tomorrow He, kill him! "

Mu Xiaoxiao hurriedly stopped her. "Qi Qing, don't get excited! Check it first to see if it is him. If it isn't for him, it's not good for you to run around and stab people."

"Not him, who else?" Han Qiqing had determined that the suspect was Luo Bo.

Mu Xiaoxiao groaned. "It's a bit complicated ... Let's check it out. I'll ask Yin Shaoyu to check it out. I'll tell you if there is a result tomorrow, okay?"

Han Qiqing said, "OK."

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