Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2350: You are not seeing people (1)

After hearing that, Han Qiqing finally glanced back at him, with a cool attitude, and did not answer him.

Song Shijun was convinced that his guess was correct.

He said helplessly, "I said Miss Han, where did I provoke you?"

Thinking of being in school in the morning, she started to deal with herself more than usual. Was she already angry at that time?

Is Lu Yichen angry with him?

Song Shijun can only think of this possibility.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the two of them left and right, then dragged Han Qiqing, and whispered to her, "What happened to Shijun? What did he do to make you angry?"

She used to watch them talk and laugh, and suddenly saw them awkward, she was really not used to it.

Han Qiqing snorted. "I don't want to ignore him."

It became clear now that she really ignored Song Shijun.

Song Shijun innocently spread his hands.

"I don't know what happened to her, because I said what Lu Yichen said? Qi Qing, you just fight with me for Lu Yichen?"

If that's the case, then he's also a little angry.

Didn't he say anything bad about Lu Yichen?

Even if she likes Lu Yichen, wouldn't she be stingy?

"No!" He replied, Han Qiqing retorted.

Mu Xiaoxiao was confused, and she couldn't figure it out. She asked Qi Qing, "It's not because of Lu Yichen, what is it?"

Song Shijun also wanted to know the answer because he wanted to come and go, it was probably because of Lu Yichen.

Not because of Lu Yichen, what could be the reason?

Han Qiqing stared at Song Shijun, he was hesitant to say something.

At this time, someone found their side.

"Isn't this Master Yin Han and Song Gongzi? Still, the Gu family has face and can invite them over."

"One night home is missing, so the four big families are all together."

"It's a rare scene for the four families to get together."

The person in charge of the Gu family naturally noticed that the Gu family hurried to greet them in person.

"Master Yin, Miss Han, and Son Song, I'm really sorry. There are too many guests, so I can't take care of them for a while, please, please, please hello."

Song Shijun and Mu Xiaoxiao both gave him a glance at the same time, complaining that he interrupted what Han Qiqing was about to say.

The Gu family was probably dizzy, so they didn't understand their winks, and asked, "Where is Master Ye? Did he not come with you?"

Han Qiqing asked, "Yeah, Ye Sijue? Did he bring Xiaomeng?"

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head and said, "No, Xiao Meng's Christmas holiday is over. She has to go back to class, so she has already returned to the United States. Ye Sijue came here by herself."

Under the guidance of the Gu family, the group entered the banquet venue.

The banquet venue is the first floor and backyard of Gu's villa, which is gorgeously decorated, and there are servants around to serve guests.

Yin Shaojie and others are the distinguished guests, so the Gu family specially arranged a Gu family to entertain them specially.

Just because Mu Xiaoxiao found it inconvenient to speak, he politely said that it was unnecessary.

Mu Xiaoxiao said to the Gu family, "There are so many guests. You can entertain other guests. You don't need to entertain us specially."

Not everyone in the Gu family knows Mu Xiaoxiao. Only the people in the Gu family have seen Mu Xiaoxiao.

Of course, even if you don't know Mu Xiaoxiao, everyone in the wealthy circles has heard of the legendary Mu family.

It is just that the Gu family could not have thought of it. The beautiful girl in front of her is actually the legendary Mu family.

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