Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2352: You are not seeing people (3)

Han Qiqing snorted. "Did your mobile phone fall down? Who is it? Don't your mobile phone rarely move?"

"The situation was a bit chaotic last night. They knew that I was going to the Gu family's banquet tonight. Several girls were pestering me and asked if I had a girl companion. They all rushed to be my companion. Later, they were so entangled that they escaped, and the cell phone dropped unexpectedly. "Song Shijun explained helplessly.

"Really?" Han Qiqing's expression eased a bit.

Song Shijun raised his hand. "Really, I swear."

Han Qiqing snorted proudly, "I'll trust you once."

Mu Xiaoxiao was relieved to see that their misunderstanding was lifted.

Han Qiqing complained to Song Shijun. "I was in a hurry to ask you for help last night. I called you several times without answering."

"What's the matter?" Song Shijun also complained to the girl in his heart, even if he stole his phone, he didn't tell him afterwards, causing him to be angry by Qi Qing for no reason.

"Just ..." Han Qiqing paused and said simply, "It's okay, it's useless now."

If you say it, Song Shijun will say that she was angry with him because of Lu Yichen.

Song Shijun asked, "Has it been resolved?"

Han Qiqing quickly turned his attention and said to him, "I'm a bit thirsty, please go get some drinks for me, little, what would you like to drink?"

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head. "I'm not thirsty now."

Han Qiqing said exaggeratedly, "I'm thirsty! Shijun, go get me the juice and see if there's anything to eat, and if you have something, bring it here, hurry up."

She also pushed him.

When Song Shijun left, Mu Xiaoxiao reached Qi Qing's ear and smiled ambiguous.

"You think Shijun is so angry that you are hiding your girlfriend, aren't you jealous?"

"What, I'm not jealous! I'm just angry." Han Qiqing justified himself.

"Angry is jealous!" Mu Xiaoxiao laughed teasingly.

Han Qiqing said, "No! I'm really not jealous, oh, I and Shi Jun are not like you and Yin Shaojie, little, I ask you not to think about it, you know what I like ...

Then he swallowed again.

Afraid of provoking her sadness, Mu Xiaoxiao hurriedly said, "Okay, I won't say anymore, it's my fault."

It seems that Qi Qing has not put down Lu Yichen.

However, if you think from another angle, friends can also be jealous, not necessarily love can be jealous.

It's like, if Han Qiqing hides her boyfriend and tells her nothing, she will be angry too.

When Han Qiqing thought of Lu Yichen, he remembered that he didn't come to school today.

She was sitting on a rattan chair, thinking about things in a daze.

Mu Xiaoxiao on the side dragged Yin Shaoyu, thinking what to say.

Suddenly I heard some sounds coming from the dark.

"I said I'm not coming, why are you pulling me here? Don't you think I lost your face?"


It sounds familiar.

Another voice said, "Don't think."

"You're annoying! I'm going back, I'm too lazy to care about you."

As soon as the voice fell, he heard the sound of crickets, and someone poke open the tree branch and came out from it.

Coincidentally, the comer met Mu Xiao's eyes.

"Little?" The other exclaimed.

Mu Xiaoxiao also recognized him, it was Ye Zhiyuan.

The man behind him is naturally the general manager Yan.

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