Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2355: Gu Family's Heir (2)

"Song Shijun, let go!" She twisted her hands.

Song Shijun whispered to her, "Don't be impulsive."

At this moment, the few people who laughed and stopped suddenly stopped and said in a low voice, "Here is the night!"

"By the way, it's a banquet for the Gu family. Should the four big families get together?"

"Four big families, oh, this picture is exciting."

"The Yin family has Yin Shaoyi, the night family has Ye Sijue, the Han family has ... It is a pity that the Gu family, the governing person Gu Pingyuan only gave birth to a daughter, and this daughter does not have any skill. In this comparison, I feel that the Gu family is worse . "

"Gu Pingyuan's daughter is a little younger, is he in junior high school? What can you do, even if you have the ability? Now the situation of the Gu family is a bit subtle, I heard ... Grandpa Gu will start to choose the next generation of heirs."

"Isn't Gu Pingyuan miserable? He doesn't have a son. Father Gu is well-known as a patriarch, but Gu Pingyuan's position in power is not guaranteed."

The group was discussing well, and they saw Ye Sijue coming towards them.

"Why did Ye Sijue come here?"

Talking, the volume was lowered, and a flattering smile hung up and looked at the approaching Ye Sijue, and hurriedly greeted, "Good night."

Ye Sijue glanced at them, nodded politely, staggered from their side, and walked into the backyard.

"It wasn't for us ..."

"Do you think too much? Are you familiar with others?"

"If I knew the people of the four big families, I would have been bragging with you."

Here, Ye Sijue entered the backyard and saw Han Qiqing and Song Shijun behind the wall.

"You ..." What are you doing here?

Before he could say anything, he got the gesture of Song Shijun.

Ye Sijue walked in front of them with a doubt, "What's the matter?"

Han Qiqing said, "We are overhearing."

Ye Sijue gave them a ‘you ’re boring’ look.

"Where's Shao?"

He learned from the Gu family that they were in the backyard, so he came here.

Song Shijun pointed back, "Where is it?"

The three walked over together.

Ye Sijue and President Yan also met and said hello. Ye Zhiyuan next to him did not look at it with a different eye.

The group stayed in the backyard for a while, and one after another came close to it.

Yin Shaojie felt that it was not a problem to hide in the backyard all the time. Someone always came over. Others smelled sugar like ants, and they followed, so they returned to the villa.

Han Qiqing glanced through the crowd and found Luo Bo.

There was a hint of slyness in her eyes.

Coincidentally, Luo Bo looked over and met her sight.

Han Qiqing smiled slightly at him.

Luo Bo was wrong and then flattered. He also patted the people around him excitedly.

Han Qiqing hooked his lower lip, raised his hand, and hooked his fingers at him, as if to signal him to come.

Luo Bo couldn't believe it, and pointed to his nose.

Confirming that she was calling herself, he was ecstatic, adjusted his dress, and walked with the glass.

"Miss Qiqing, how are you?" He greeted him gentleman with a smile on his lips, his eyes raised, a confident look.

He was surprised that Han Qiqing would not know him.

Song Shijun looked at Han Qiqing in doubt.

Han Qiqing moved a few steps aside, Luo Bo followed.

She smiled and said, "It was you who had fought with Lu Yichen before? I heard that in order to get revenge, you have to drive him out of Suntech, is it true?"

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