Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2358: This joke is getting bigger! (1)

Although the person holding Luo Bo knew Lu Yichen, he didn't usually intersect, so he didn't recognize the person above was Lu Yichen.

"Abo?" The man found Luo Bo's expression strange, as if he had seen a ghost.

I hadn't seen him so frightened just after getting out of the water.

Luo Bo was shaken and returned to God.

The people around him found him covered.

"How, how can it be Lu Yichen ..." Luo Bo's eyes widened and he mumbled in disbelief.

"What Lu Yichen?" His friend was puzzled and wondered what nonsense he was talking about.

Another person was also watching Lu Yichen, who was standing under the spotlight, and said two times, "I didn't expect Gu Pingyuan to retain such a hand. It is indeed a member of the four major families, but ... how does this son feel Familiar, like I've seen it somewhere. "

"Where have you seen it? Is it from Saint Riyah?"

Saint Riyah is another aristocratic school, but not as famous as Suntech.

The man scratched his head, "I can't remember it, I feel familiar, so handsome, it should be a school grass level? I know the school grass of St. Riya, not him, is it another school?"

"He is Lu Yichen ..." Luo Bo said at this time, his face was pale.


His words frustrated several others.

Luo Bo's lips turned blue, and he said again, "He's Lu Yichen! Damn, why Lu Yichen is Gu Pingyuan's son!"

The scolding behind him was a bit loud and attracted the attention of others.

His friend quickly stopped him and pulled him out.

"What did you just say? Gu Pingyuan's son is Lu Yichen? Is that our school Lu Yichen?"

Is that they just mocked Lu Yichen who was poor?

Mom ...

This joke is getting bigger!

Several people were stunned and looked at each other.

There are rumors on the Internet that Lu Yichen may be the illegitimate child of a rich man, but who would have thought that he would be the illegitimate child of the Gu family, one of the four major families?

Oh no, people are not illegitimate children, they are legitimate orthodox children!

Didn't Gu Pingyuan say that?

The son of an ex-wife.

And being able to show it on such a big occasion shows that Father Gu, and even the entire Gu family, have acknowledged Lu Yichen's identity.

The poor, who had been scorned by them before, suddenly transformed themselves and became the young master of the Gu family, one of the four major families.

God, this is really ...

Several people were aggressive.

After being afraid for a while, I suddenly thought that although I said Lu Yichen's bad words behind my back, I didn't do anything on the bright side!

On the bright side, I have had trouble with Lu Yichen ...

A few people set their sights on Luo Bo.

Will a person as cold as Lu Yichen hold revenge?

no one knows.

Just a few people released Luo Bo at the same time, secretly separated some distances.

"Uh, that ... my dad has been looking for me just now. There may be something important. I used to ask him. You can help Abo to rest in the room."

"Abo, you're soaked all over. You need to change clothes. I'll help you find someone to buy."

"After all, I'm in Gu's house, it's better to let Gu's servants take care of you. I want to go to the toilet."

Several people made excuses and dispersed.

Luo Bo stood alone, with soaked clothes sticking to his body, because he stood at the door to the backyard, a cold wind blew, and made him tremble suddenly.

The maid did not dare to neglect, and quickly took him to the room.

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