Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2360: This joke is getting bigger! (3)

Song Shijun banged her with his hand, and said in a yin and yang tone, "This is all right, he has become the Gu family. If you are with him, this is the right person."

Han Qiqing didn't seem to listen to him, and didn't go back as usual.

No one knew what she was thinking.

At this time, the backyard.

Mu Xiaoxiao waited for the two to go to no one. Before Lu Yichen spoke, she hurriedly asked, "Lu Yichen, did Gu Pingyuan threaten you with Aunt Lu?"

Lu Yichen looked at her with deep eyes, and his eyes were quiet, making people unable to see his emotions.

"No, I volunteered."

Mu Xiaoxiao shook her head, she didn't believe it.

"You were so disgusted before, saying that you would not recognize him. If it wasn't for what happened, how could you be willing to recognize him?"

Lu Yichen's eyes were drooping, "I have my reasons. What I want to tell you is, don't ask, don't do as he said, and in the future, distance yourself from me and pretend to be familiar with me."

Upon hearing that, Mu Xiaoxiao frowned. "Why is this? What on earth are you doing?"

Lu Yichen sighed, "Don't ask, okay? Little, if you are my friend, let me solve my business by myself, don't ask, don't get involved, okay?"

He didn't want to get her involved, so he told her that.

Because he knew that she would worry about him, as a friend.

Although it was only a friend's way, he was very satisfied.

Lu Yichen aggravated his tone and said again, "Promise me, but ask, don't step in, will you?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was silent.

Lu Yichen said, "Thank you."

He turned away.

Mu Xiaoxiao returned to the banquet venue, and silently pulled Yin Shaojiao away.

"Little?" Han Qiqing and others didn't know why, so they followed.

Several people stood in front of Gu's house, and the guests were all in the house, so the door was deserted.

Mu Xiaoxiao said to Han Qiqing, "He told us not to ask him anything, and don't get involved with him ... and Gu's affairs."

Han Qiqing paused, and she asked Mu Xiaoxiao, "Did you ... have known for a long time?"

It has long been known that Lu Yichen is Gu Pingyuan's son.

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, not wanting to lie to her.

"Qi Qing, I didn't want to hide from you, just ..."

Han Qiqing smiled, "I know, this is Lu Yichen's privacy. Don't worry, I'm not angry."

"Really?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked.

Han Qiqing looked at her, bulging his cheeks, and said, "Am I such a stingy person? I'm really not angry, I'm just surprised, I didn't expect him to be ... a Gu family."

Yin Shaoxu looked indifferent, holding Mu Xiaoxiao's hand and saying, "Leave, we are going home."

"Oh." Mu Xiaoxiao responded and said goodbye to Han Qiqing and others.

Back at Yin's house, Yin Shaoyi took her to the bedroom.

Mu Xiaoxiao held him strangely. "What's wrong? You won't be jealous because he just took me to say two things, right?"

Yin Shaojie nodded the tip of her nose with her finger and said, "He said you shouldn't ask questions, don't interfere, you just give me a good one, don't ask questions, don't interfere, have you heard?

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Yin Shao snorted, and the vinegar was overflowing, "Do you care about him that way?"

Mu Xiaoxiao quickly explained, "No, but don't you think? Lu Yichen was so unwilling to admit Gu Pingyuan. It was only two days before he turned against him. He is not such a person. There must be something inside ... "

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