Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2367: In front of everyone (2)

"Later, I think Y and M are better. They correspond to YOU ​​and ME, that is, you and me."

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed when he heard that.

It's hard to imagine him as a big boy with such a delicate side.

She smiled happily. "I like it!"

Y and M, you and me.

Yin Shaoji took the gem from her hand, looped her hands over her sides, and wore her a necklace.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked down at the necklace, it was really beautiful.

"Is this gem bigger?"

It's just so dazzling through the moonlight. Wouldn't it be more beautiful and conspicuous under the sun?

Yin Shaoji said, "No, you have white skin. You are too young to look good. It is still so big and good!"

She was satisfied when he said he was good-looking.

"Then I'll wear it for two days."

She has a lot of jewelry, some are bought by her dad, some are given by others, but she rarely wears them.

Yin Shao glanced down and said, "Just wear it for two days?"

Mu Xiaoxiao went into his arms, and his hands wrapped around his ingenious waist.

She laughed. "It's a bit too worn for Dai, so you can take it out at any banquet in the future."

Knowing her low-key personality, he didn't demand much.

This gem is really too eye-catching.

He asked, "Are you going to watch the fireworks now?"

It was because she was in a heavy mood these two days, so she prepared her favorite fireworks to relax her.

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded like a chicken pecking rice. "Yes."

Fortunately, I did not choose to fireworks first.

Yin Shaoji sent a message.

After a while, a bunch of silver lights flew up from the mid-mountainside. The next second, a beautiful fireworks burst in the sky, beautiful.

Because it is placed from the middle of the mountain, the height of the fireworks is almost parallel to their line of sight, making people feel that the fireworks are within easy reach and within reach.

"What a nice view……"

The two hug each other.

Mu Xiaoxiao's clear eyes reflected the fireworks in front of her, like a colorful fairy tale world hidden in her eyes.

Yin Shaojiu turned her head, looked at her smiley face, and kissed her in the forehead.


The next day.

Last night, Gu's banquet was attended by many Suntech students, so it is conceivable that the news that "Lu Yichen is Gu Pingyuan's biological son" soon spread.

The previous smearing of Lu Yichen naturally disappeared.

Those who ridiculed Lu Yichen behind him also became obedient at this time and did not dare to say more stupid things.

Can anyone think of it?

Lu Yichen would be one of the four families of Gu family!

When the news came out, it really looked like a bomb and shocked everyone.

The happiest are those girls.

Lu Yichen is a Gu family!

Who else dares to laugh at me and say that Lu Yichen is poor?

Will the children of the Gu family, one of the four major families, be poor?

What a laugh!

Someone posted a post on the forum, mocking those who discredited Lu Yichen before, let them polish their eyes and see Lu Yichen's true life experience!

Unfortunately, Lu Yichen still didn't come to school today!

The girls who had been waiting for him to appear were disappointed.

A girl sent out a pessimism, "Will Lu Yichen not come to school in the future? He would have achieved good grades, and it would be a breeze to test which school he wants to take. Now he is back at the Gu family, who is likely to regard him as the next heir After training, it is estimated that he will be sent to study abroad or directly to a foreign university. "

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