Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2369: In front of everyone (4)

Yin Shaojie on the stage is so handsome!

It's been a long time since I was able to look at Shao Sha so brightly. The girls were so full of excitement that they almost lost their mind.

Yin Shaojie smiled and said, "But ... I have nothing to tell you, but I have a word and I want to tell someone."

This smile is simply fascinating!

Coupled with this, the evil and wanton tone of his speech was completely romantic, and even if he was not speaking to himself, the girls screamed.

Who did you say less?

Is it Mu Muxiao?

Shao Shao must confess to Mu Xiao in front of everyone?

This speculation made the girls present almost jealous.

Why am I not Mu Xiaoxiao!

Why can Mu Xiaoxiao be so lucky to be the one that Wu Shao likes?

Some girls couldn't help but shouted loudly, "Shao, who is the person you said? Is it Mu Xiaoxiao?"

This remark asked everyone's voice, and everyone was quiet, waiting for Yin Shaoxing's answer.

The girls were holding their breath.

Although they all know that Shao Shao likes Mu Xiaoxiao, but if Shao Shao confessed to Mu Xiaoxiao in public in this way, many people would still be sick.

How could their unruly youngsters do such a thing!

Oh, actually I should say so.

How can they do such a romantic thing for other girls!

No, they are not allowed!

And the boys are all looking at the theater.

After the previous incident of Lu Yichen, the boys realized a truth: meals can be eaten indiscriminately, and words cannot be spoken indiscriminately!

Besides, when the people who eat melon are good, they just have to watch the show.

On the stage, Yin Shaoyu accepted the attention of all students.

He was very bad, and smiled mysteriously, so he didn't give everyone the answer.

Off the stage, standing in the group of S1 class in high school, Mu Xiaoxiao looked faint.

What kind of ghost does this guy want to do?

In the ear, the girls in the class next door whispered.

"Yi Shao wouldn't want to confess with love to Mu Xiaoxiao in front of everyone, right?"

"It's not like a shameless style! I don't think it will." Some people choose not to believe.

"But ... I have a bad hunch."

As these girls discussed, they stared at Mu Xiaoxiao as if they were about to eat.

Mu Xiaoxiao helped the amount of help and smiled bitterly.

The girl next to her poked her arm and whispered, "Mu Xiaoxiao, is Shao really going to confess to you?"

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head. "I don't know."

That girl was right to think about it, maybe it was a surprise that Xiao Shao prepared, and of course she wouldn't let Mu Xiaoxiao know.

"I really envy you. It seems that Shao really likes you ..."

Just as the crowd was talking down the stage, Yin Shaoji on the stage suddenly jumped down, holding a microphone in his hand.

With his long legs, he walked step by step in the direction of S1 class.

桀 Less here!

Everyone knew that he was looking for Mu Xiao.

Sure enough, Yin Shaojiu stopped in front of the S1 team in High School, with an evil smile on his mouth, and said with a microphone, "Mu Xiaoxiao, come out!"

Mu Xiaoxiao had to squeeze out of the team.

She cried and laughed at him, "What are you doing?"

On the other side, Han Qiqing stood at the corner of the stage, dragged Song Shijun, and asked excitedly, "What is Yin Shaoji going to do? You must know! Come on!"

Song Shijun smiled, "It's not a love confession, but ..."

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