Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2377: We promised (4)

Song Shijun coaxed, "No, I didn't want to grab your cup. I just asked you to give me the cup. I'll pour you wine, OK?"

Han Qiqing looked down at his wine glass.

Only a little bit left ...

"Okay, pour for you." She obediently handed him the glass.

Song Shijun poured the remaining red wine from her glass into his glass, then drank it with his head up.

"Well, the wine is gone."

"Woohoo, my wine ... why is it gone?" Han Qiqing was unhappy.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her like this and couldn't help laughing, "Qi Qing really seems drunk."

Yin Shaojie picked up the red wine and stunned, "This red wine is okay, the degree is not very high, is she drinking too much?"

He handed the glass to Xiaoxiao.

"You take a sip."

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't think about it, took a sip in his hand, "Well, it's okay, a little sweet."

Yin Shaojiu left her the remaining red wine.

Mu Xiaoxiao unknowingly took a drink.

In the end, both girls were a little drunk.

The three of Yin Shaojie also drank a lot, but compared to their alcohol consumption, this wine is probably only enough to jam the teeth.

Ye Sijue raised an eyebrow and said, "Really not drunk?"

Yin Shaojie smiled and did not answer.

Song Shijun looked at Han Qiqing next to him and laughed. "Forget it, if we are all drunk, who will send them back?"

Ye Sijue bowed his head, indicating that he understood.

They later called another bottle of wine, and Ye Sijue drank most of it.

Song Shijun saw something, "Si Jue, you drink a little too much."

Ye Sijue smiled and raised a toast to Yin Shaoxing, "Congratulations, the marriage proposal was successful."

Yin Shaoyin raised his glass in response to him.

Song Shijun also toasted and the three drink together.

"Sir, do you see Shao's marriage proposal successful, and also want to propose to Xiao Meng?"

Ye Sijue said in a deep voice, "I am really thinking, I and her future ... can't always be like this, separate the two places."

Long-distance love is not a problem, but I miss it too much.

Song Shijun said slightly, jokingly, "Otherwise, you have to marry Xiao Meng home so that the two don't have to separate the two places."

Ye Sijue's blue eyes hang down, I don't know if he heard it.

By the end, it was almost ten o'clock in the evening.

They all called the driver to come, but Song Shijun still accompanied Han Qiqing and sent her home.

"See you tomorrow."

After saying goodbye, each boarded the car and left.

The driver of the Yin family respectfully pulled up the door of the car and asked Yin Shaojiu to hold Mu Xiaoxiao in the car.

Yin Shaojiu said to the driver, "Back to the apartment."

The driver stunned, but according to his instructions, sent them back to the apartment.

Yin Shaojii wanted to hug Xiaoxiao upstairs, but she narrowed her eyes and opened his eyes, and asked him to carry her.

So Yin Shaojiu carried her upstairs.

After entering the room, he carried her into the room and put her on the bed.

"Little, tell me ... where do you put those clothes you bought?"

The magnetic voice with a bewildering magic, Mu Xiaoxiao obediently said the position.

Yin Shaojiu took the clothes out of the cloakroom, and went to bed on one knee, with strong arms on both sides of her, bowed her head, and her **** thin lips raised a touch of arc.

"Xiaoxiao, you promised me that you would wear it for me. I want to see it today, okay?"

The drunk white rabbit lost his sense of resistance and nodded stupidly.

"it is good……"

"How good!" Yin Shaoxin bowed her head and kissed her lips in reward.

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