Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2380: If you wish (3)

Han Qiqing's dissatisfied character came up again.

"Who says I can't wash it? I can wash it!"

Song Shijun followed her and said, "Okay, you can wash, we are wonderful, we can do everything, and we can take a bath, but don't you want to sleep now? Then go to bed, wake up and wash."

Han Qiqing listened to him boasting, feeling very comfortable, and nodded.

After a while, she looked out of the car window.

"A lot of cars ... Ah, I see a little bit, I want to drink a little bit!"

Han Qiqing suddenly became excited and reached out to drive the door.

Fortunately, the driver remembered to lock the door, otherwise it would be dangerous.

The door couldn't open and the car didn't stop.

Han Qiqing patted his car window in an unfair way and said, "Whoo, why don't you let me drink a little? I want to drink a little ..."

"Drink for you and buy it for you when you get home, okay?"

Song Shijun coaxed her to see that it was about to turn, and reached out to pull her back, lest she hit the door.

Han Qiqing was suddenly torn, his body was unstable, and he fell over to him.

Song Shijun quickly guarded her.

Han Qiqing leaned on his shoulder and became a little bit better.

She raised her hand, and looked at her fingers with a narrow frown, as if looking at something.

"I'm coming to your house, you can support it again." Song Shijun also drank some wine. Although he was not drunk, he was a little lacking.

Han Qiqing sighed and said, "Shijun."


Han Qiqing sighed again, "The small ring is so beautiful ..."

Song Shijun responded, "It's pretty."

Han Qiqing sighed deeply, "I'm so envious, I want ..."

In fact, the important thing is not the ring, but the heart of the person who gave the ring.

Song Shijun said, "You will."

"When did it happen?" Han Qiqing asked, thinking about it, his face was glum, "No one gave it to me ..."

She doesn't even have a boyfriend.

No one would spend that kind of thought for her.

Before waiting for Song Shijun to speak, Han Qiqing suddenly got up and dragged him, "I want it! Shijun, otherwise you buy it for me! It's just the same as a little one."

Song Shijun couldn't laugh or cry, "How can I afford it ..."

He is not as rich as Yin Shaojie.

Besides, in his capacity, if he spent so much money, he would be investigated.

Han Qiqing grumbled, "I'll give you money to buy!"

Just after speaking, what came to mind, little face was bitter.

"Woohoo, I don't have money ... I'm so poor now ..."

I envy the rich!

If these words were heard by Sunde people, he would probably vomit blood to death.

Miss Han, one of your four big families, is crying poor, how can anyone live? !!

Song Shijun comforted her, "Don't you say that when you pass your brother's review exam, will he give you the pocket money that was previously deducted? By then you will be rich and you will not have to study so hard in the future, so you have to be good Review, you know? "

Han Qiqing tilted his head, wondering if he understood.

She nodded, "Oh."

Finally, when he saw the door of the Han family from a distance, Song Shijun was relieved.

"Well, your home is here."

"Oh!" Han Qiqing focused his head, suddenly got up, stunned, and hit the roof again.

Song Shijun wanted to stop her from being too late, and could only look at her with amusement.

The driver who just pulled the door heard the noise and asked worriedly, "Miss, are you all right?"

"It's okay ..."

Han Qiqing's eyes moved with water vapor, holding her back and saying nothing was wrong.

Song Shijun reached out and rubbed where she had just hit, asking, "Does it hurt?"

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