Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2383: Emergencies (2)

Song Shijunyi said rightly, "I'm just trying to restore the truth!"

"Restore your head! The truth is that my brother hurt me, so buy it for me! Oh, are you envious, jealous and hate it? This necklace is not cheap, M's, it will be listed next month!" Pick up the pendant and show him the sign on purpose.

Song Shijun habitually talked to her, "Why don't you say a limited edition?"

Han Qiqing said to him, "Even if it is a limited edition, my brother hurts me, he will buy it for me!"

She sat in position, took out the small mirror, and happily looked at the necklace around her neck.

So lovely!

The more she looked, the more she liked.

The girl next to her also noticed the necklace around her neck because of her conversation with Song Shijun. A girl from the aisle came up and asked with an envious voice, "Han Qiqing, this necklace belongs to M's family? I heard their family In the first half of the year, we spent more than one billion to capture the top gems, and the new model released next month is made with these top gems. Although it is not a limited edition, but the output is not large, so the price is high. "

Even if the price is high, it is still difficult to buy!

What the girl said immediately caused an uproar among other girls.

"Han Qiqing, you said the necklace was given to you by your brother? I'm envious! I want this brother too."

"It really is someone's brother ... I have an older brother, but why hasn't my brother ever given me a gift?"

"Han Qiqing, can you show me the necklace? I really like M's design!"

"I want to see too, I want to see too!"

When Han Qiqing saw them so interested, he nodded generously and said, "Okay."

So a group of girls swarmed over.

Song Shijun shook his head aside.

"Girls are really puzzling creatures ..."

No matter how beautiful a gem is, it is essentially just a stone. Is it so crazy for a stone?

The boy next to Song Shijun put his shoulders on his shoulders, and said with emotion, "M's ... My ex-girlfriend tangled me and asked me to give her this brand of earrings. It was really expensive, I could n’t afford it, just broke up because of it Now. "

"You can afford to leave the money to the bar." Song Shijun teased him.

The boy touched his nose and said, "Oh, I just want to express that this brand is really very expensive! So, those who want to chase Han Qiqing, think about yourself, if you ca n’t afford even M's stuff What are the qualifications to chase Miss Han? "

Is Han Jiaqian, one of the four big families, so easy to follow?

Although Han Qiqing has never had a boyfriend, it does not mean that no one is chasing her, just that she doesn't like it.

The girls around Han Qiqing fully expressed what envy, jealousy and hatred were.

Someone held Han Qiqing's pendant chain, and said something in his mouth, "I hope I can receive a gift, please."

Seeing this, the other girls were also begging to make a wish.

Han Qiqing couldn't help crying or laughing. Did his necklace become a wishing stone?

"Come slowly, don't squeeze, don't grab, the table will be squeezed away by you."

At this time, a class bell rang.

Han Qiqing breathed a sigh of relief, and waved to them, "Go back to your seat, wait until after class, don't squeeze, just go."

I had known that I would not have promised to show them.

These girls are like crazy, it seems like they can get good luck by touching her necklace, they are all enchanted.

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