Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2391: Haunted (2)

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head.

Don't think about it, what good news can Han Yuner tell her anyway? Absolutely bad news.

What makes her even more weird is, how did Han Yuner know she was here?

I always feel wrong.

She couldn't sleep anyway, she got up and slammed the call bell.

Within seconds, the nurse pushed in.

"Miss Mu, do you have any instructions?"

Mu Xiaoxiao sat up, the nurse hurried forward when she saw this, helped her to pick up the pillow and put it on the waist.

The nurse also thoughtfully asked, "Miss Mu, are you feeling better?"

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't talk too much to her and asked directly, "Did that guy just say what she wanted to say?"

The nurse thought about it and shook her head and said, "No, she said she was your friend and wanted to come in to see you, but I did n’t let her in, she had to break in and intentionally told you something important to tell you , I think, this is all her excuse, Miss Mu, you don't need to pay too much attention, I have informed security and taken her out. "

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded and continued to ask, "How did she know that I was here?"

"This ..." The nurse thought back, "She said she happened to be in our hospital for a check-up. Maybe it happened that I saw you, or Master Yin, and I knew you were here."

That turned out to be the case.

She was also worried if Han Yuner followed her.

It's just that she has such a fate with Han Yuner, which makes Mu Xiaoxiao a little depressed.

It's Han Yuner who is not good with whom.

The nurse tilted her head and thought about it, suddenly remembered, and said suddenly, "Yes, she showed me her checklist. What she did was ... pregnancy check, Miss Mu, you should be young. ? "

"Pregnant?" Mu Xiao said in doubt.

The nurse also had some unexpected expressions, explaining, "Pregnancy is pregnancy, and she was checked for the appropriateness of pregnancy, but I think she is quite young. It is too early to prepare for pregnancy at this time?"

Mu Xiaoxiao stunned, "Did she do this check?"

Han Yuner was also in high school, why would she want to get pregnant so early?

However, this is Han Yuner's business, and she doesn't care.

After asking clearly, knowing that Han Yuner had just met her by accident, Mu Xiaoxiao was relieved, and she let the nurse go out.

I couldn't wait for Yin Shaoji to return, Mu Xiaoxiao gradually became worried, and couldn't sit still, so I wanted to call Yin Shaoji.

But she didn't bring her phone!

By the way, Yin Shaojie hurriedly took her to the hospital, she must have no time to bring her mobile phone.

Presumably he did not bring his own phone.

What to do ...

There was no way to reach Yin Shaoyu, and Mu Xiaoxiao felt uneasy.

Yin Shaojie was not around her, she felt like she was missing a piece of her heart.

I waited a few more minutes. For a few minutes now, she feels like a year.

Mu Xiao calculated carefully that if Yin Shaojiu would not return, she would let the hospital broadcast find someone.

How long has passed.

Yin Shaojiu got out of the car, carrying a bag in his hand, and went into the hospital.

Then I heard the hospital radio shouting, "Children Yin Shaojiu, Mu Xiaoxiao is looking for you. Please ask children Yin Shaoqi to return to ward 508 as soon as possible after hearing it."

Yin Shaoji first paused, wondering if he heard it wrong.

Immediately, the broadcast was repeated again.

Yin Shaojie heard clearly this time, showing an expression of crying and laughing.

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