Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2402: She depends too much on you (1)

Mu Xiaowa woke up confused, and murmured at the first sound, "It hurts ... it hurts ..."

Although her voice was very low, Yin Shaoji heard it, rushed to the bedside, touched her head and asked, "Little, where do you hurt? Where is it?"

Mu Xiaoxiao hugged his stomach, his voice sounded like a cry, and sobbed, "It hurts ... the stomach hurts ..."

Seeing her frown frowning, cold sweat on her forehead, and pale expression on her forehead, Yin Shaoyi yelled at the doctor, "What are you still holding on to? Come over to see her! Why does she have a stomachache?"

The doctor hurried over and made a simple examination of Mu Xiaoxiao, with a look of amusement.

"What's going on ... nothing went wrong ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao was still crying for pain, and louder than that, Yin Shaojie was almost distressed to death.

"Doctor! What the **** is going on!"

Because of her illness, she also called her stomachache, which made Yin Shao's heart lifted, for fear that her condition would worsen.

The doctor was afraid that he didn't check it carefully, and then he darted Mumu's little belly and whispered to her, "Does it hurt here? Then here?"

When Mu Xiaoxiao responded, the doctor's expression was a little weird. Looking at Yin Shaoyi, he stopped talking.

"What's the matter? Say!" Yin Shaoxing's violent temper was forced out, and the whole person was in a state of anger. If the doctor didn't answer well, he would do terrible things.

The doctor wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and then said carefully, "Miss Mu's pain is ... the position of the uterus ..."

Yin Shaoyi's heart was cold as soon as he heard this answer.

"She said it hurt. Is it getting worse?"

The doctor quickly shook his head and explained, "No, no, Master Yin, don't worry, listen to me first, and in my judgment, Miss Mu is not really hurt ..."

Yin Shaojiu frowned. "What do you mean? What does it really hurt? If she doesn't, how could she scream?"

The doctor paused, but he wasn't sure about it, and he was afraid that he would make a wrong judgment. But thinking about the doctor's duties, he summoned the courage to explain to Yin Shaoji.

"There is a situation called phantom limb pain. I do n’t know if Master Yin knows it, meaning that the patient is not really hurting, but she feels pain, and to put it plainly, it is psychological. I think Miss Mu is like this now. Happening."

"Is that so? Are you sure?" Yin Shaojie's mood was a little complicated. He didn't know if he should be relieved or worried.

Although the little condition did not worsen, her psychological condition indicated that she had reached a certain serious point.

The doctor said, "This ... I don't dare to be 100% sure, but we all pay attention to Miss Mu's condition. Her condition has not worsened and is kept at a stable data, so it will not be aggravated. Because of the situation of self-forgetting, I judge that she is a psychological problem. Master Yin, we must give psychological intervention to Miss Mu as soon as possible. "

Yin Shaoxing's face was calm.

The situation is so severe that psychological intervention is really needed.

He nodded and said, "Okay, you can arrange a psychologist for me. I want the best."

The doctor nodded quickly, "Of course, of course, we will definitely give Miss Mu the best treatment, then Master Yin, you look after Miss Mu first, and I will go out and arrange for you."

After speaking, the doctor quit.

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