Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2405: She depends too much on you (4)

I have heard of this young master who loves his girlfriend and nurses praise him as a man of affection.

Yin Shaojiu's expression was sober, his head responded, "Doctor Zhou, right? I want to find out first, your treatment plan."

Dr. Zhou is a bit surprised that most people in the field of psychology don't understand it, so no one has ever asked this question.

"Is Master Yin aware of psychological intervention?"

Yin Shaoji said, "Not very understanding, know a little."

Dr. Zhou told him the psychological intervention plan he was going to use.

Yin Shaojiu also gave some suggestions based on Mu Xiao's condition.

After talking for a while, Dr. Zhou was a bit surprised. The young master knew quite a bit, not what he called "know a little".

Yin Shaoji said, "Just follow this plan."

Because Mu Xiao's novel was uncomfortable, Dr. Zhou did not plan to take her to her office, but instead gave her psychological intervention in the ward.

In a place where the patient feels relaxed.

Yin Shaojie was not assured and followed in.

Psychological intervention was halfway through, Dr. Zhou frowned and stopped.

Mu Xiaoxiao opened his eyes, and the first reaction was to find Yin Shaoxing.

"Yin Shaoxing," she called.

Yin Shaojie hurried over, holding her little hand, and kissing her thin lips.

"I'm here, it's okay. What do you think now? Are you still upset?"

Mu Xiaoxiao lowered his head for a moment, then shook his head, "It seems ... the stomach is not uncomfortable."

Yin Shaoxuan was relieved and helped her sort out some messy bangs.

"You are great and cooperate well."

At this time, Dr. Zhou's voice said with some seriousness, "Master Yin, please come out with me."

Yin Shaoxing looked at Doctor Zhou with a little doubt.

When Mu Xiaoxiao heard that he was leaving, he grabbed him anxiously, "Don't go! Hey, don't go, stay here with me, I'm afraid ..."

Yin Shaojie noticed that Dr. Zhou looked at Xiaoyan's eyes with some obvious worries.

He patted his little hand and said softly, "You are good, wait for me here, I will go out, take a look, and come back soon."

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head stubbornly, "Don't! I'm afraid ... don't leave me."

Yin Shaoji wants to let Dr. Zhou have something to say here, but he also knows that when doing psychological intervention, some things cannot be heard by the patient.

He was in a dilemma, but for the sake of smallness, he had to bear it temporarily.

"I'm right at the door, and I'm not going anywhere. Can you see me, can I?"

Coaxed for a while, Mu Xiaoxiao agreed.

Yin Shaojiu followed Dr. Zhou out.

Right at the door, the door wasn't closed.

He said, "Just speak quietly, I can hear you."

Dr. Zhou's expression was a little serious, and he sighed, and said to him, "Master Yin, if you want to cure Miss Mu's heart disease, you must listen to me."

Yin Shaoji noticed the meaning in her words and asked, "How do I need to cooperate?"

Dr. Zhou said straightforwardly, "You stay away from her."

"What?" Yin Shao narrowed his eyes.

Dr. Zhou explained, "I mean, don't stay with her all the time ..."

"This won't work." Yin Shaojii flatly refused before she finished speaking.

Dr. Zhou said, "Did you not find that? She is too dependent on you. As long as you are by her side, she will feel that someone can rely on her, and she does not have to be afraid, so she can shrink into her turtle shell, so she will always Can't get out. "

Hearing that, Yin Shaoyan lowered his face.

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