Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2412: I kiss my wife, do you have any opinion? (3)

Amazing pregnant?

At this moment, Mu Xiaoxiao's expression was unexpectedly calm, completely opposite to the state just like to collapse.

She seemed sober.

Han Yuner whispered twice, "Mu Xiaoxiao, but you can't give birth, but you are not me, of course, you are jealous of me, jealous is jealous, why not admit it?"

Mu Xiaoxiao did not have the gesture of evasion before, and met her head-on.

With her hands around her chest, she glanced at Han Yun'er coldly.

"Envy you? You think too much, why should I be jealous of you? Just because you are pregnant? I said you, you are a high school student, you are pregnant, do you feel proud? You idiot you!"

When Han Yuner saw her calm counterattack expression, a fire broke out in her heart.

She was convinced that Mu Xiaoxiao was dying.

She's just jealous of me!

As long as she is hit again, she will go crazy on the spot in front of me!

"I can conceive, better than you can't conceive! As a woman, you can't even give birth to an egg, you might as well die!" Han Yuner directly said this time.

Mu Xiaoxiao froze coldly, "Eat one by one as a woman, you are a woman, and you say that a woman is a child-bearing machine. It seems that a woman is useless without a child. Do you think you are right?"

Obviously Mu Xiao's tone was calm, but Han Yuner was stabbed by this sentence.

She hurriedly retorted, "Isn't it? What good is a woman if she can't have children?"

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head silently and asked her, "So, does the meaning of your life mean having children? Sorry, I am not."

Han Yuner was angered by this sentence.

"Of course, the meaning of my life is not just this! What we are talking about now is that you can't have children, and the miserable person is you!"

Obviously the person who is miserable is Mu Xiaoxiao, why in turn is he despised by Mu Xiaoxiao?

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and said calmly, "Is it miserable to be infertile? Who told you? Do you know how many infertile people are in this world? Then their life is meaningless from now on? If you think so, I can only say that you are poor. "

"I'm poor? You are the poor! This sentence should be what I told you, you are very poor, you are the poorest person!" Han Yuner retorted with excitement.

Mu Xiaoxiao raised a finger. "First, can I have children? It's not a definitive answer at the moment. I just said it's possible. Have you ever taken a Chinese class? Do you know what‘ possible ’means?”

"I ..." What Han Yuner wanted to say was interrupted by Mu Xiaoxiao's powerful momentum.

Mu Xiaoxiao held up two fingers. "Second, think back ten thousand steps. Even if I really can't have children, it doesn't mean that my life is over."

She looked at Han Yuner and laughed.

"You're thinking, I can't have children, Yin Shaojiu will not want me, right? Then you think too much, no matter if I can have children, Yin Shaojiao will want me, he loves me all his life, only loves me."

Emphasizing the latter sentence, she intentionally stimulated Han Yuner.

Why did Han Yuner just keep stimulating her?

Of course, this sentence is also true.

Mu Xiaoxiao believes that even if he really can't have children, Yin Shaojie won't dislike him.

"But, but ... even if Yin Shaoji wants you, the Yin family won't want you ..." Han Yun'er thought of how to fight back, her words were intermittent, and her momentum was weak.

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