Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2419: She picked it up (2)

Yin Shaoji said, "Yes, she is also suspicious. Although you said she happened to meet you, did she have so many coincidences? Whether or not it happened so, check her."

In addition, Han Yuner was not a good person.

Mu Xiaoxiao had just been hospitalized and Han Yuner came up. Was it really so coincidental?

Anyway, Yin Shaojie didn't believe it.

Mu Xiaoxiao, who was about to go out, was led by Yin Shaojie into the ward and asked her to sit down.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought he wanted to talk, so he did not resist.

"You are going to be discharged. Yes, but as soon as tomorrow, the doctor will give you medicine and then do a third checkup at night." Yin Shaoji looked at her and got up and pressed her on a chair.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked bitter, "Don't ... will you let me be discharged? I don't want to stay in the hospital, I don't want to stay for a second ..."

"Request to be dismissed." Yin Shaojie shook her finger at her.

Mu Xiaoxiao grabbed his finger and took a sharp sip.

Yin Shaojie had pain, but only frowned.

"Did you just play the game, did you have fun? Play the game when you are bored."

Mu Xiaoxiao said, "I don't want to play games anymore!"

However, at the end of Yin Shaojie's insistence, she compromised and remained in the hospital.

After having lunch with her and watching her medication, Yin Shaojie received a call from the Student Union and left temporarily.

Mu Xiaoxiao was bored lying on the bed.

She played a game and lost her interest.

Open WeChat and find Qi Qingfa's message.

——Xiaoxiao, why didn't you come to school today? What the **** did you do? I'm so used to it if you are not around!

——Are you arguing with Yin Shaojie?

——Xiaoxiao, have you just played the game? Have time to play games, do n’t have time to return to me? I am so sad……

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her sad expression and couldn't help laughing.

She quickly responded to Qi Qing, "I didn't pay attention to WeChat. I haven't gone to school for two days. There is something wrong. Go back and tell you, don't get angry."

Before waiting, Qi Qing saw her WeChat.

"Anything? What's the matter? Is it serious? Something must have happened. You're afraid of me, so you won't tell me, or you'll tell me anything you had before."

In Qiqing one language.

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help crying, it seemed Qi Qing still knew her well.

This made her wonder what to answer.

She didn't want to lie to Qiqing.

Although doctors now say her condition is not serious, it is not 100% safe.

So she didn't know if she should tell Qi Qing.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought about it and said to Qi Qing, "It's all right, I promise to tell you tomorrow, will you?"

"No! I'm angry!"

Han Qiqing sent a bulging expression.

Mu Xiaoxiao was amused and sent her a smooth facial expression.

"If you are not angry, you are not beautiful if you are angry, we are so beautiful."

"If you boast about me with more than ten idioms, I will trust you."

"We are so beautiful that when we see flowers bloom and cars see cars, we can be described as sinking fish and geese, and closing the moon ...

Mu Xiaoxiao worked hard to find ten idioms from his stomach.

In fact, Han Qiqing didn't want to force her, so she gave her steps.

After Mu Xiaoxiao went down the stairs, Han Qiqing stopped asking her what happened, and the two talked about other things.

"Should you go to class?"

After chatting for a long time, Mu Xiaoxiao realized the problem.

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